Year 1: Weekly round up

The end of another busy week here in Year 1. This week we have been busy creating our very own dinosaur story! We first came up with our own dino tale using simple drawings and symbols to represent different parts of the story. We then told our story to the class using our storyboards. Today we have started to add actions to each part of the story so that we can really remember it. Next week we will start taking pencil to paper and will be writing our stories out.
In Maths we have been working on subtraction. Similar to last week’s addition, we have been using dice to help us generate 1 digit and 2 digit numbers and taking one away from the other. Today we have also been creating a tally chart to record the classes favourite dinosaur. Next week we will use our tally charts to create a bar chart to show our results and find out which dinosaur is the favourite.
At Tree Top Thursday we created some super dinosaur habitats with Elodie. These all looked amazing and the children took great care in selecting what they would use to make the dinosaur homes. One even had a hot tub!
We have of course been practising for our up and coming class assembly which is on Friday 17th May. I just wanted to say a really big thank to all those that have sent in costumes in for the children to use. It is really appreciated.
Have a lovely extra long weekend Year 1! See you all again on Tuesday.
Mr Hall and Ms Scott.