Nursery: weekly round up

Da iawn Nursery for another great week! We are busy practicing for our class assembly and have loved being creative making amazing craft for a special date in June! We have been singing a rhyme about writing number ‘3’ and practiced writing it on the interactive whiteboard…we all did so well. Our next sound will be ‘t’ and we’ll be having a think of all the words we know beginning with this. We had our snack in Welly Wednesday and checked on our bulbs making sure they have plenty of water….we are keeping our fingers crossed they flower before the end of term!
We can’t wait for our trip to Greenacres Animal Farm on Tuesday🐷🐤🐴…children should be in full school uniform with comfortable walking shoes or trainers. They will need a drink, snack and packed lunch or you can book a meal on Parent Pay and they will be provided with a packed lunch by Mrs Conlan. Please can children bring food and drink in a bag (rucksack etc.) which is easy for them to carry. No glass bottles please. If it is sunny, please bring a sun hat and wear sun cream too. Spending money will not be needed.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for fine weather on Wednesday for Sports Day – what an exciting week! There will be no Welly Wednesday due to Sports Day.
School is closed next Friday 24th for a Training Day.
Have a super weekend
Mrs Golby, Mrs Cheetham and Mrs Edwards