Year 5: Week beginning 20 May

Pnawn da, 
We have worked very hard measuring the radius and circumference of circles this week.  Next week, we will be ordering decimals on a number line and rounding.  We have been working on i-movie trailers for our stories.  Monday, we will share them with the class.  I am really looking forward to see them all.  We will finish our Talking Textiles and evaluate them on Tuesday.  We will  launch our new topic on Tuesday afternoon.  Wednesday morning, we will be thinking about Pentecost.  Hopefully, we will be able to have our Sports Day on Wednesday afternoon.  P.E. will also be on Thursday.  Also on Thursday, Mrs McCaffrey will be doing HeartStart, with a focus on using the CPR training mannequin Rescue Annie.  Reading books and homework (maths sheet) are due in on Tuesday as usual.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham