Year 3: Weekly Roundup

It’s been a great  week. Pupils have been painting their Ruabon pictures in the style of Welsh artist Louise Jones and making their Ruabon sculptures! They all seem to have really enjoyed doing both of these activities.
Next Week Summary
During the beginning of the week, pupils will be using Adobe Creative Cloud Express to make a presentation all about Ruabon. The aim of this is to see everything the pupils have learned during the topic (as well as a chance for them to show off their fab ICT skills!)
Monday is our new swimming day!
(Information has been sent out about this, including what your child needs to bring).
The library visits will start on Wednesday (5th June)
Apologies as I know some pupils brought in their cards Wednesday just gone, thinking they were going. Due to sports day being scheduled, I had to tell the staff that we would be starting after half-term instead.
Friday will continue as ‘Fresh Air Friday’, meaning pupils will only need their uniforms Tuesday to Thursday.
Later on in the week pupils will start our new topic (more details to come on this!)
Have a great HALF-TERM!
If you wish to do extra bits of work, practising spellings/ times tables and logging into Hwb would help you massively when back in school.  Likewise, it’s very important to rest so you’re ready for a busy final half-term. How time flies…..!
See you soon 🙂 
Mr Steele