Nursery: weekly update

We had a wonderful trip to Greenacres Animal farm on Tuesday. We had so much fun on the tractor ride🚜, especially when the farmer fed the animals and they came really close to us! We saw pigs, lamas, cows, donkeys, goats, parrots and limas to name just a few. The animal encounters were fantastic and we met an owl called Bovril, a rat, a ferret and a guinea pig called Wotsit! We loved feeding the baby goats too! The play area and play barn were great and we finished the day off with an ice lolly to cool down. The children were all so well behaved🤩.
After half term we will be starting our new topic ‘Under the sea’ and this will take us to the end of the year in Nursery!
Happy half term and we will see you soon
Mrs Golby, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Cheetham😀