Nursery: weekly update

A huge well done to all of Nursery for an amazing assembly this morning….you were all superstars🤩 and we are all so proud of you. Your singing and dancing was fantastic!
It has been lovely hearing all of your half term news. We have launched out new topic ‘O dan y mor’/’Under the sea’ and have loved playing in our new areas such as an ice-cream shop, boats and sea creatures in our water area and shells with magnifying glasses so we can have a close up look at them. We have even had a listen to see if we can hear the sea in them🐚! We have started making jelly fish too and they are looking fantastic. Our new letter sound is ‘t’ and we have been thinking about what words start with this sound. We were lucky with the weather on Wednesday again and had our snack in forest school. We did lots of digging, watering, cooking in the mud kitchen and moving things in the wheelbarrows.
Next week we will be carrying on with our new topic and investigating all the different creatures that live in the sea🦀🐋🐳🐙, continuing with craft and practicing letter sounds and numbers.
Have a fantastic weekend
Mrs Golby, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Cheetham