Year 1: Weekly round up

We’ve had an incredibly exciting week in Year 1, full of adventure and excitement! This week, we embarked on a thrilling new topic: Pirates and the Seaside! To kick things off, we went on an adventurous treasure hunt. The children had a fantastic time following clues and searching for hidden treasure around the school. Once we found the treasure, we returned to class to make our very own treasure maps! This was so much fun. We had to remember to include a compass in a corner to help us navigate, and of course, X marks the spot! It was a great way to ignite their imaginations and set the stage for our upcoming lessons.
In our phonics lessons this week, we revisited the ‘ai’ and ‘oa’ sounds. The children had a great time filling treasure chests with words and pictures featuring these sounds. Their enthusiasm and progress have been fantastic to see!
Our focus in Maths has been on understanding 1 more and 1 less, as well as 10 more and 10 less. The children have been practicing these concepts using number squares. We discovered that using the number squares was a much better strategy than trying to count on our fingers.
In our topic lesson, the children created their very own pirate passports. They used descriptive words to describe themselves as pirates, coming up with fantastic pirate names and characteristics. Some of us smelled like fish, some of us had a hook for a hand, and some of us even had a wooden leg! It was a delightful activity that allowed them to practice their writing skills and expand their vocabulary while having lots of fun.
We are looking forward to continuing our pirate adventures and exploring more exciting activities next week! Have a lovely weekend, Year 1! See you all next week.
Mr. Hall and Ms. Scott