Nursery: weekly update

This week, we had a great time planting the plants during Welly Wednesday which Morrisons had kindly donated to us…they really will make our yard and forest school colourful! 
We have had lots of fun learning through play such as selling ice cream in our ice cream roll play shop, exploring amazing shells🐚with magnifying glasses, building sandcastles and splashing, pouring and playing with boats and sea creatures in our water play area.
We have also been developing our gross and fine motor skills by drawing shapes on big pieces of paper and practicing number formation. 
Our jelly fish craft is looking fantastic and we played the ‘Guess the sea creature’ game too…..I think we all guessed the Nemo fish correctly!
We finished the week off playing percussion instruments and having a sing a long  to ‘We all live in a submarine’.
Next week we are continuing with our under the sea theme and we will be looking at the letter ‘p’ sound and what words we can think of that begin with this. We are keeping fingers crossed that we have fine weather next Friday 21st for our sports day.
Have a lovely weekend Nursery and we will see you Monday
Mrs Golby, Mrs Cheetham and Mrs Edwards