Reception: Weekly Roundup!

This week has whizzed by! They do say time flies when you’re having fun! 😁
We’ve enjoyed thinking about our different families and made cards and photo frames for a special grown up in our lives. 
We had fun in Welly Weds, planting some pretty flowers.🌺 
We enjoyed our PE session doing lots of exercises for under the sea like sea bed crawling, crab squats and dolphin dives! 🐬🦀🐙
Next week, we will be learning a little more about the animals who live under the sea. I wonder what we will find out? 
 We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather for our Sports Day next Friday too! 🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃🏻‍♂️
Have a great weekend with your families everyone. 
Mrs. P, Mrs. E and Mrs. B🦋🦋🦋