Year 3: Weekly Summary

This week pupils really enjoyed reading the first two chapters of ‘The Butterfly Lion’.
They did some lovely predicting based on this, as well as some nice descriptive work!
Next week we will continue doing work based on this book.
Activities we’ll be doing include writing a diary entry from Bertie’s perspective.
This week we did some place-value work, looking at how simple sums (e.g. 5-3) can sometimes be written in a tricky way (e.g. What is the difference between… Or What is 3 less than 5). Pupils also went over the column method which included carrying in the units.
Next week we’ll be recognising and sorting the multiples of 2,3,4,5 and 10.
Unfortunately swimming isn’t happening this week. We will instead do sports day practise ready for Friday! Tues, Wed, Thurs will be uniform as normal.
Welsh/ French
We have gone over this week greetings in French (ca va/ ca va bien, tres bien and ca va comme ci comme ca) and how to ask and answer questions about your name.
Next week I’ll aim to do more work on this. In Welsh pupils will learn how to describe their features such as their hair, eyes, etc.
In addition to this, we’ll be doing more topic work linked to Africa!
Have a great weekend,
Mr Steele