Reception: Weekly round up.

We’ve had an exciting week in Reception! We visited Mr.Hall in Year 1 for the day and all had a great time. It was lovely to see lots of smiles at the end of transition day! 😊😊😊
We have had fun in Welly Weds making some symmetrical butterflies with natural loose parts. We enjoyed our visit to the Prayer Stations to explore ‘Friendship’. 
Today, we have explored friendship further by making a recipe for friendship and creating some rainbow cakes to share with our friends. We read a lovely story about ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.’ Photos on Seesaw as usual. 
Next week, we will be trying out some bubble art and looking at capacity in Maths. 
We are trying hard to get our last few marbles in our jar so that we can have a treat afternoon and bring our teddies to school! Fingers crossed it won’t be long! 
Have a great weekend everyone. 
Mrs. Phoenix, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Broadhurst 😊😊😊