Year 6: Weekly update/launch day

What a wonderful and sunny week here in year 6!
Monday started with our launch day for our final topic of the year. The class spent the morning exploring the similarities and differences between St.Lucia and Wales. This was followed by chocolate tasting where we looked at Fair Trade production and how this can influence shopping habits. After lunch, we spent some time creating banana boats with ice cream which was quickly eaten up! We had a lovely final session where we explored the prayer stations for the theme ‘Friendship’ for our values week. Photos will be uploaded to Google Classroom.
Tuesday-Thursday was an exciting opportunity for some year 6’s to head to their high school and engage in various activities. Next week, the remaining pupils will have the same opportunity to explore their high schools. Pupils who are going to high school will need to wear full school uniform (no leavers hoodies). 
Next week: Homework and reading books will be due on Thursday. Please ensure that everyone is sent into school with water bottles as there has been an increasing number of pupils who are regularly forgetting their bottles.
Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.