Year 5: Week beginning 1st July

We have had another fantastic week.  Everyone has worked so hard and tried their best.  I am proud of every one of them.  This afternoon, we have been busy doing our challenges.  Next week, our focus is place value of 6 digit number, putting them on a number line, adding, subtracting and ordering them.  We are looking forward to reading more of our Class Reader book and will be rewriting a chapter from the point of view of Finn.  We will also continue looking at examples of containers as part of our art.  On Tuesday, we will be doing some coding with Mr Kennard. P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  Reading books and homework (maths sheet) are due in on Tuesday as usual.  I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham.