Reception: Seesaw!

We are looking forward to using the Seesaw online journal to connect with you all. Thank you to those of you who have joined our Seesaw classroom already.  If you …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

It’s been lovely to welcome everyone back after a well deserved half term rest. We enjoyed hearing all about your news.  We have been very creative pupils this week. From …

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Reception: Happy Half Term!

Well done everyone for making it to half term! You have all done amazingly well settling into full time school in Reception Class and we couldn’t be prouder of you …

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Reception: Being thankful!

We’ve had a lovely day today, thinking about all the things we are thankful for. We made a ‘Thankful Pumpkin’ and wrote down all the things are lucky to have …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

We had a spooky time in Welly Weds today as we went on a Number Trail!  We had to find all the hidden spooky characters including bat’s and spiders and …

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Reception: Bottles needed!

We are looking to collect the bottom of 2L plastic bottles to make poppies for Remembrance Day.  If all children are able to bring in one empty bottle each, that …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

There’s been lots of fun in Reception this week as we read a favourite story of ours ‘Room on the Broom’!🧙‍♀️ Children have loved re-enacting the story and taking on …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

Luckily the rain stayed away for Welly Wednesday!  We had lots of fun in the mud kitchen with our friends.  We also helped to plant some Autumn bedding plants and …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

We had lots of fun looking at fruits and vegetables this week and talking about how they look, smell and taste! We got busy chopping, mixing and cooking some of …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

Da iawn Reception for another fantastic week!🙂  We have been busy learning about the changing seasons and have created some beautiful Autumn art work including puffy paint leaves, Autumn trees …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

We had lots of fun this afternoon exploring the story of ‘Leaf Man’ and children found lots of colourful leaves to make our creations later this week. The wind was …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

It’s been another fun week here in Reception and we have been enjoying looking at lots of Autumn nature treasures. Thank you to those who bought in colourful leaves, conkers, …

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Reception: Tomi Twt!

Tomi Twt is all set for another year of adventures with Reception class.🐻  He will be coming home every Friday in his special bag with a book and a yummy …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

We managed to enjoy some muddy fun in our garden today before the rain got too heavy! We were fantastic at working together to spot lots of signs of Autumn! …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

Its been another busy week in Reception class! Mr. Draenog came to visit with his special Autumn story and now we just can’t wait to get busy finding out more …

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Reception: PE Fun!

We’ve been moving our busy bodies this afternoon. We played ‘Traffic Lights’ and a fun game called ‘Hedgehogs’ and then practiced our ball skills. We loved playing ‘Farmers in the …

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Reception: Topic launch!

We have definately noticed a change in the weather these past few days it’s been so wet and windy. But luckily the sun came out for our visit to our …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

We’ve had a great week with everyone here in Reception class! We’ve been getting used to being in school full time and have loved our first Welly Weds and PE …

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Reception: PE!

We had lots of fun in the hall for our first PE session. We played traffic lights and did some Yoga! We practised our good listening skills.  #healthy, confident individuals.  …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

We had lots of fun in the sun today up in Welly Weds.  We enjoyed some apple crumble and custard, which we made ourselves. It was delicious! Then we had …

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