Year 2 Weekly Round Up.

This week the children had their ‘Topic Launch.’ I would like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ for sending costumes in for the children. They all looked amazing and we …

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YEAR 2 Topic launch.

Please can I remind you that if your child has a costume such as princess, queen, knight, king type outfit, that you send them into school in a bag tomorrow …

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Year 2 Round Up.

Please see ‘Seesaw’ for information about Tuesday 20th February and also what we have been up to this week. We have come to the end of our theme ‘Space and …

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Year 6 – Happy Half Term!

A wonderful last day to end a jam-packed half-term! Year 6 spent the morning finishing their sculptures and having one last go at their ‘Symud’ challenges. Photos will follow after …

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Year 2 Weekly Round Up

Another busy week in Year 2. The children have worked very hard this week and I am so proud of the work they have been producing. Please see ‘Seesaw’ to …

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Year 2 Weekly Round Up.

Please see ‘Seesaw’ to see what Year 2 have been up to this week. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Kelly.

Year 2 Weekly Round Up.

Hi All We have had another bust week in Year 2. Please look on ‘Seesaw to see what we have been up to.’  As you are aware I am regularly …

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Year 2

Year 2 Weekly round up.  A huge Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to 2024. Please see Seesaw to …

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Year 2

2023 Round up. Well, Year 2 2023 has come to an end. Next time I see everyone, will be in 2024. I have had a fantastic time with St Mary’s …

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Year 1 – Weekly round up

(This is a repost of last week’s round up with a small edit to one of the pictures. There are no other changes or added info. Diolch) What a fantastic …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

What a fantastic finish to the week! I have to say that both Year 1 and Year 2 were absolutely brilliant in both our Christmas concert performances. Well done to …

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Year 2 Round up

This week, Year 2 have been very busy. The children have been watching and taking part in Christmas dress rehearsals. We have really enjoyed watching all the children throughout the …

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Year 2

Weekly Roundup.  Please see ‘Seesaw’ to see some of the things the children have been doing this week. Can I also remind those of you who have not sent in …

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Year 2.

Please see ‘Seesaw’ to see what we have been up to in ‘Muddy Monday.’ Thank you Mrs Kelly.

Year 1 & Year 2: Christmas Concert

We have had an exciting time today, we have started our Christmas Concert! The children have come home with their concert lines, please could you take some time to practise …

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Year 2: Monday Monday

In ‘Monday Monday’ Year 2 had a lovely afternoon using clay and natural materials to make faces.

Year 2

Today in ‘Muddy Monday’ we got really muddy but we had great fun. We started off the afternoon by using natural materials to make a picture frame and then pictures …

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Year 2

Today in ‘Muddy Monday’ we had lots of fun playing different games. We worked on our own to create our names using sticks. We worked in pairs to create shapes …

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Year 2

Dear All Today your child has come home with the log in details for you and your child to access Seesaw. Seesaw is an excellent tool that Year 2 will …

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