Year 2: Monday Monday

In ‘Monday Monday’ Year 2 had a lovely afternoon using clay and natural materials to make faces.

Year 1: Topic Launch – Superheroes!

Calling all Year 1 children, Dewi needs your help!   Today Dewi, our class dragon, had gone missing! We needed to become Superheroes to help find and rescue him. But what …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Well done Year 1! We have successfully made it to the end of half term. We couldn’t be any more proud of you all and how hard you have worked, …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

We have made it to the end of the first half term in Year 2 and what a great week we have had again!  This week we have finished off …

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Year 2: Prayer Stations

The children have had a lovely morning today visiting the prayer stations in the hall, celebrating our value of Thankfulness. #Ethical, Informed Citizens

Year 1: Values Day – Thankfulness

What a lovely couple of days we’ve had in Year 1. We have spent today learning all about our value Thankfulness. We started the day hearing the Bible story of …

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Year 2: Thankfulness

We have thought about what we are thankful for. We made cards showing what or who we are thankful for. We wrote a little prayer inside to say thank you …

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Year 2: PE

This morning we had a short PE session outside to practise throwing and catching. #Healthy, Confident Individuals

Year 1: Weekly round up

A busy week here in Year 1! This week we have writing Autumn words on the leaves we painted last week. Some of us even wrote a few words in …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week has been great! The children have worked incredibly hard. We have been busy logging onto Hwb where we have worked hard writing Autumn sentences and painting Autumn pictures …

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Year 2: PE

This morning in PE we worked hard on jumping and following instructions. #Healthy, Confident Individuals

Year 2: Book Bag Reminder

Hello, thank you very much for the book bags we have received today, could we please ask for the remaining book bags to be sent in tomorrow so that we …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Another brill week here in Year 1! We started the week looking at recycling. We sorted out different items into different types of recycling. Some things were made of plastic, …

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Year 1: Tree Top Thursday

Apologies for the late post. Thankfully we had some lovely sunshine that allowed us to have a great time up at Tree Top Thursday yesterday. We got up to lots of …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

Da iawn Year 2, you have had another fantastic week where you have worked incredibly hard! You have been busy writing about Autumn practising your sentence writing. In maths, we …

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Year 2: PE

Today we had fun in PE. We continued with our balancing and  introduced some games to help make it fun. We got into pairs and we tried to play catch …

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Year 2:

Today, during ‘Muddy Monday’ we had lots of fun looking for signs of Autumn. We found things such as blackberries, conkers and acorns. It was so nice to have such …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Da iawn pawb on another busy week in Year 1!   This week in Maths we have been busy looking for the missing number to complete our sums. We used …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

Big well done to Year 2 this week! You have continued to work incredibly hard this week with all tasks. In maths we have looked at greater than and less …

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