Year 3: Fresh Air Fridays!

Hi everybody, The lovely Summer sunshine is finally on its way, and from next week onwards pupils will be starting ‘Fresh Air Fridays!’ Between now and the end of the …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Another week of super learning in Year 4. Da iawn.  Next week we will be learning about negative numbers and how to multiply a three digit number by a one …

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Year 4: Budgeting

This week year 4 have been learning about the importance of budgeting money. They were given a wage and had to spend it wisely to be able to afford things …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary!

Hi, Over the weekend please try to learn your assembly lines! The assembly isn’t until Friday but if you can learn your lines for either Monday or Tuesday when we …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have loved the first week of our new topic. They came up with some excellent ideas for our missions this half term and they are really looking forward …

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Year 3: Walk around Ruabon

Year 3 have enjoyed their walk around Ruabon today, despite the weather! Well done Y3. They are looking forward to learning more about our local area over the next half …

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Year 4: Topic launch

The clues… Year 4 started today by drawing a map of a barn owl’s habitat using the coordinates and compass directions provided to them. They then use the map to …

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Year 3: HAPPY EASTER (Please Read)

We made it! We’ll be starting a new topic after Easter. Exciting times! Pupils seem to have really enjoyed their fairytales topic. I’ve given pupils a laminated times-tables sheet. It’s …

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Year 3: Making Music

Year 3 enjoyed their music session with Cana from Wrexham Music Co-operative. The theme was harmonies. To start pupils were identifying major and minor harmonies in songs. They then played …

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Year 4: Weekly update

This week Blwyddyn 4 thoroughly enjoyed playing water polo in swimming. They all worked together wonderfully as a team and their swimming teachers were full of praise for the good …

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Year 4: Values Day

On Thursday the pupils enjoyed taking part in activities to celebrate our whole school value of Forgiveness. We enjoyed reading the parable of the unforgiving servant and the messages within …

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Year 3: MAGIC – Giving

MAGIC G is for Giving, and today Y3 gave back to their community by helping making Ruabon an even nicer place to live. Collectively pupils found lots of litter and …

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Year 3: Being thankful

Acrostic poems, Comic strips and recounts were just some of the activities pupils chose to do as part of our values day. The theme was ‘thankfulness’, with pupils doing some …

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Year 3: Litter Pick Tomorrow

Hi, Just to let you know that the litter pick, originally intended for last week, will now take place tomorrow. Pupils shouldn’t get too muddy but you are welcome to …

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Year 4: Easter Orienteering

Today, we used our maps to find markers. Each marker had a question or task related to Easter. Our reward for completing the course was a chocolate Easter egg!  #healthyConfidentIndividuals

Year 3: Next Week Summary

Today pupils have enjoyed coming in their own clothes for Red Nose Day. Thank you to everybody for donating money to such a great cause! Next week it’s photos day …

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Year 4: Weekly update

We have discovered this week that Blwyddyn 4 are master carpenters. They have been busy measuring and cutting the wood to make their own photograph frames. They were confident, accurate …

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