Year 4: Weekly update

We have ended today getting messy with paper mache to make our chairs. They are drying ready to paint and decorate when we come back after half term. After half …

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Year 4: Homework

After half term we will begin our technology work on photograph frames. All pupils will be creating their own photograph frame using wood. Over half term it would be great …

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Year 4: Prayer Stations

Blwyddyn 4 have enjoyed spending time in the prayer stations this morning thinking about our value COMPASSION. #HealthyConfidentIndividuals 

Year 4: PE

Bore da Please remember that PE will be outside today so please make sure all pupils have appropriate kit on.  Diolch 

Year 4: Safer Internet Day

Today we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day. The message for 2024 is ‘Inspiring Change? making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. Today we have been thinking about …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Hi, Next week we’ll be doing some work on money in maths, including making amounts using different coins and adding/ subtracting money using our place-value skills. We’ll also be continuing …

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Year 4: Weekly Update

We have had a lovely week, learning lots of new things. Next week we are looking forward to making our own chairs out of card and paper mache, we have …

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Year 3: Fairytale Cafe!

Year 3 enjoyed visiting the fairytale cafe! Pupils had to solve the riddles to unlock the fairytale. Then, after reading each of them with their peers, they recorded their thoughts …

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Year 3: New Topic – Fairytales!

Year 3 enjoyed their imagineering session this afternoon! They imagined they were in a forest, a forest full of muddle puddles, big trees and lots of things to see, hear, …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next week we will be watching our Celts iMovies (Monday) which pupils have all been working very hard on today. We will also be continuing with our fractions work. At …

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Year 4: Weekly Update

DA IAWN BLWYDDYN 4 YOUR ASSEMBLY WAS EXCELLENT! As a reward for doing such a good job there is no homework this week 😊 😊 😊 😊 Next week we …

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Year 3: playing the ukulele!

Year 3 had a music workshop today with Mr Hardwick from Wrexham Music Co-operative. Pupils were introduced to the word ‘riff’ (repeated pattern of notes) and listened to songs with …

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Year 3: Fractions and Coding!

Year 3 enjoyed their practical maths lesson this afternoon. The focus was on fractions with pupils drawing shapes to show a half, quarter, etc and they also shaded shapes to …

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Year 3: Battle Ready!

Year 3 have enjoyed having their face/ hand/ arm painted this afternoon in blue paint to look like a Celtic Warrior. Coupled with their fantastic shields they look a frightening …

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Year 3: Today and Summary of Next Week

Pupils have enjoyed making their Celtic Shield’s this afternoon! On Monday they will have their picture with these (complete with blue Celtic patterns painted on their face/ hand if they …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have earned themselves lots of marbles this week for their excellent attitude and effort in all that they have done. We are very proud of them and their …

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Year 3: Celtic Hillforts

Year 3 have been learning about Celtic hillforts today. One group then labelled a Celtic hillfort, another cut out and ranked the members of a Celtic tribe depending on their …

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Year 3: Trial and Improvement!

Pupils were doing a maths activity this morning involving trial and improvement. They had to organise the blocks on their sheet according to the criteria given. While it was tricky …

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Year 4: Bible Stories Week

Today, we shared the story of ‘The Lost Sheep.’ We had discussions in groups, asking each other questions about the story. We thought about why Jesus told this story to …

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