Year 3: MARBLE JAR PARTY on Thursday

Pupils have filled their marble jar!  50 Marbles achieved since September – Good job everybody! Their chosen reward which they will have this Thursday (14th Dec) is to have a pyjama …

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Year 3: Knitting Snowman Hats!

Year 3 have started their Christmas craft today. With Mrs Leighton they were knitting hats for their hot chocolate snowmen. Well done all! Mr Steele #ambitiouscapablelearners

Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next Week we will be doing lots of Christmas Craft! We also have our Christmas concert dress rehearsal on Tuesday morning and the actual performance on Wednesday afternoon/ evening. In …

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Year 4: Weekly roundup

Blwyddyn 4 have been designers this week. They have used all that they have learned about thermal insulators to design a coat for Michael from Kensuke’s Kingdom to keep him …

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Year 3: Cut-Throat Celts!

This afternoon Year 3 were doing some more Celts work. One group was in the V.I.P room doing missions, with some pupils drawing and colouring in their own Celtic patterns! …

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Year 3: Christmassy Fun

Y3 have been busy! Some have been making beautiful Christmas decs for the tree in church, others were decorating our Year 3 tree and two groups of pupils were busy …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next Week in maths we’ll be continuing doing rounding work in maths. We’ll also be moving on to subtracting using the counting on method. In our topic work pupils will …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have blown us away with their maths work this week. They have confidently been adding three digit numbers using the column method. They have also written some excellent …

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Year 3: Today’s Practical Maths

Year 3 did a practical maths lesson today, focusing on our skill for this week: to identify missing numbers on a number line. We did lots of whiteboard work and …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next week in Year 3 we will be moving on to identifying the missing numbers on a number line in maths. We’ll be continuing with explanation texts in our literacy …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blywyydn 4 have been super stars this week. They especially enjoyed coding thermometers and taking some time out to be mindful and concentrate on some breathing techniques to calm down. …

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Year 3: Thank You!

Thank you all for your Children In Need donations. It was great to see so many Pudsey costumes/ accessories. Your generosity is very much appreciated! Mr Steele and Mrs Leighton

Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next Week in maths we will be identifying and describing the properties of 2D and 3D Shapes. In literacy we will be continuing our work on explanation texts. We will …

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Year 4: Bible Stories – Creation

Today, we listened to the Bible story of Creation. We talked about how our world is a gift from God and how God gave us the responsibility of looking after …

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Year 4: Weekly update

We have had such a busy week this week and all pupils have been superstars. Our Christmas concert rehearsals are well under way and everyone has made a huge effort …

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Year 4: practical maths

This morning in mathemateg we have moved onto 7 times tables. We have used a variety of manipulatives to practice our times tables.  #AmbitiousCapableLearners