Year 4: Weekly Update

DA IAWN BLWYDDYN 4 YOUR ASSEMBLY WAS EXCELLENT! As a reward for doing such a good job there is no homework this week 😊 😊 😊 😊 Next week we …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have earned themselves lots of marbles this week for their excellent attitude and effort in all that they have done. We are very proud of them and their …

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Year 4: Bible Stories Week

Today, we shared the story of ‘The Lost Sheep.’ We had discussions in groups, asking each other questions about the story. We thought about why Jesus told this story to …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have had a wonderful first week back. They have worked incredibly hard and have earned lots of marbles in their class jar as a result. Everyone loved our …

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Year 4: PE

Please remember that PE will resume on a Wednesday this half term. Remember to come to school in your kits tomorrow ready for gymnastics. Thanks you

Year 4: topic launch

This morning Blwyddyn 4 had to guess what their new topic would be about using a variety of clues. They eventually discovered that our new topic is called Off With …

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Year 4: Merry Christmas!

Blwyddyn 4 have had a lovely couple of days in school getting into the festive spirit.  There is no homework over Christmas, just reading books.  After Christmas PE will resume …

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Year 4: Next Week

What a wonderful Christmassy week we have had this week. Between concerts, panto and craft we have also managed to squeeze in some fun group activities. The Christmas fun will …

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Year 4: Wild Weather presentations

Today the class presented their Slide shows on wild weather. All pupils worked very hard to create interesting, informative presentations. Da iawn. #EthicalInformedCitizens #EnterprisingCreativeContributors 

Year 4: Budgeting activity

  Yesterday we turned into travel agents and had to plan a holiday staying within budget. We had to pick our location, hotel, flights and activities, making sure that they …

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Year 4: Missing Jumper

We are missing a school jumper (size 34 or 36). Please can everyone check at home to see whether it has been taken home by mistake. Thank you very much.

Year 4: Weekly roundup

Blwyddyn 4 have been designers this week. They have used all that they have learned about thermal insulators to design a coat for Michael from Kensuke’s Kingdom to keep him …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have blown us away with their maths work this week. They have confidently been adding three digit numbers using the column method. They have also written some excellent …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blywyydn 4 have been super stars this week. They especially enjoyed coding thermometers and taking some time out to be mindful and concentrate on some breathing techniques to calm down. …

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Year 4: Bible Stories – Creation

Today, we listened to the Bible story of Creation. We talked about how our world is a gift from God and how God gave us the responsibility of looking after …

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