Year 5: Week beginning 3 June

We hope that everyone has a lovely half term break – let’s hope that we have some sunshine!  Everyone has worked so hard this half term. We have enjoyed launching …

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Year 5: Launch

We have launched the final topic of the year – dwr. We started the afternoon, looking  at a picture book called flood. We have then spent the afternoon making a …

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Year 5: Talking Textiles

Our final work.  They look fabulous! #enterprising and creative contributors 

Year 5: Talking Textiles 1

We worked hard in groups to make our scene of Perseus. #enterprising and creative contributors 

Year 5: Week beginning 20 May

Pnawn da,  We have worked very hard measuring the radius and circumference of circles this week.  Next week, we will be ordering decimals on a number line and rounding.  We …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

We’ve had another lovely week in year 6. We started the week by revealing the new parking bollards with PC Sarah, where a small group went to try speed gunning. …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

Lots of smiles this week as the warmer weather has finally joined us! Maths: Our focus this week has been solving areas of 2D and 3D shapes which has involved …

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Year 5: Week beginning 13 May

Pnawn da.  I have been so impressed with everyone’s hard work writing their own myths this week.  I am really looking forward to reading them in full.  Our Maths focus …

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Year 5: Our Spartan P.E session

This week, we did circuits in P.E. just like the Spartans in Ancient Greece. #healthy, confident individuals

Year 6: Weekly round up

Another busy but wonderful week in year 6. Our literacy focus was writing diary entries inspired by our new book ‘Letters from the lighthouse’. We used tea bags to stain …

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Year 5: Week beginning 7 May

We have been very impressed with everyone’s presentations about their heroes.  They spoke clearly and with confidence in front of the class.  Our Maths focus next week is to find …

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Year 5: Freeze frames

Yesterday, we all chose a scene from Perseus and created a freeze frame.  This is our starting point for our art task, creating a textile collage of the key parts …

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Year 5: Week beginning 29 April

We have been working hard on our times tables this week.  This week, our focus has been multiplying by a one digit number.  Next week, we will be concentrating on …

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Year 6: Weekly round up!

Another week of excellent effort and excitement! Themau: this week we have started reading ‘Letters from the lighthouse’ for our new topic. We created radio broadcasts and evacuation posters, inspired …

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Year 5: Week beginning 22 April

Everyone has worked so hard this week.  We have all develop our confidence with equivalent fractions.  Next week, we will continue multiplying a 3 digit number by a one digit …

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Year 5: Reading

This afternoon, we read for pleasure.  We will start to do this every Friday afternoon. #ambitious, capable learners

Year 6: Weekly round up!

A very exciting week in year 6!  On Monday we worked together in groups to compose a piece of music which complimented various sounds which would be heard during an …

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Year 6: Welcome back!

This week we launched our new topic ‘Rhyfel a heddwch’ (War and peace). Our main activity of the day was making a pear crumble. We worked in groups to follow …

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Year 5: Launch

Yesterday, we launched our topic ‘heroes and villains’. As part of this, we are making Adobe web presentations to explain what heroes and villains are and give examples. Everyone has …

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