Year 5: 11/12/23

I have been very impressed with everyone’s persuasive writing to Scrooge convincing him to celebrate Christmas  – da iawn blwyddyn 5.  We have begun our next Maths focus – measuring …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

A lovely week in Year 6, exploring the final parts of our ‘Ein Byd’ topic. This week, we have looked closely into food webs and adaptations in animals. They have …

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Year 6: Danger Point

As promised, the photographs from our trip to Danger Point have been uploaded to Google Classroom.  Diolch, Mrs Keddie. 

Year 6: Weekly Roundup

A freezing cold week but a toasty warm classroom. We had an excellent trip to Danger Point on Tuesday where we learnt lots about types of dangers in and out …

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Year 5: 4 December

We have enjoyed starting ‘Christmas in the Victorians’.  Next week, we will continue with our letter to persuade Scrooge to celebrate Christmas.  Also, we will listen to more of ‘A …

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Year 5: Week beginning 27th November

Well done everyone for all your hard work this week.  We have persevered with some tricky Maths this week and enjoyed the challenges for our launch.  Yesterday, we used our pupil …

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Year 6: Weekly roundup

Another fantastic week! Year 6 spent a lot of time carefully planning their science investigation. They investigated which material would be most suitable for a child’s cup for a hot …

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Year 5: Launch

Today, we launched our new topic. Mrs Hodkinson set us escape room challenges (luckily, she let us out for lunch). We all showed perseverance and worked well in our groups. …

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Year 6: Weekly Round up

Another chilly week but that didn’t stop year 6!  In P.E this week, year 6 have continued to practice their basketball skills. We focused on ball control and have also …

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Year 5: Week beginning 20 Novemeber

On Monday, we will be finishing ‘To infinity and beyond’.  We have enjoyed learning so many facts, developing our biography writing and composing our own music.  On Tuesday, we will …

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Year 5: Lanten workshop

We had a lovely time this afternoon making lanterns for the Nightingale House Lantern parade.  Year 5 are able to join the parade  if parents wish to take them (we …

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Year 5: Mars Rover

Our Mars Rover gave us a challenge today to design and make a way for an egg to land safely without cracking. We worked hard in groups this morning and …

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Year 5: Week beginning 13 November

Next week, we will be carrying on with doubling and halving to do our multiplication sums.  We will be reading and researching about our Mars Rovers and thinking about reasons …

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Year 6: Weekly Round up!

A very cold but joyful week in Year 6! With Christmas around the corner, we have sent pupils home with their lines for the Christmas concert. How exciting! We’ve had …

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Year 5: Composing

This week, we have been listening to ‘The Planets’ by Holst. After this, we have begun to plan our compositions for a planet.  We will be carrying on with this …

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Year 6: half term round up!

Wow! This half term went so quickly! We have had another fun week in year 6. Our focus this week has been on persuasive writing. The skills learnt over the …

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Year 5: Week beginning 6th November

Everyone has worked very hard this half term and I have been very impressed with all their work.  We have enjoyed learning all about our solar system.  We will be …

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Year 6: Half term round up!

Wow! This half term went so quickly! We have had another fun week in year 6. Our focus this week has been on persuasive writing. The skills learnt over the …

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