Year 5: Week beginning 18 September

We have all worked hard this week.  I was very impressed with our explanation  ‘How do we know the Earth is a sphere?’   In Maths, we will be using different …

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Year 5: PE

We have enjoyed our P.E sessions this week. on Wednesday, we were using our team skills to cross a hot planet.  On Thursday, we enjoyed creating a dance.

Year 5: Week beginning 11 September

I am really pleased how well everyone had settled in last week.  Well done Year 5.  This week our maths focus will be adding using the column method.  In our …

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Year 6: Topic launch

We’ve had a great launch day today exploring our new topic ‘Ein Byd’ (our world). The day started with the class spotting a couple of gift-wrapped items in the classroom …

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Year 5: Launch

We have had a really good first day back. This afternoon, we launched our topic ‘To infinity and Beyond’. We have met our Mars Rover who will be setting us …

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Year 6: Welcome back!

Hello Year 6! I hope you’ve all had a well deserved break this summer. We are so very excited to welcome you back tomorrow, and I am looking forward to hearing all about …

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Year 5: Welcome back

I hope that you have all had a good summer holiday break.  I am looking foward to seeing everyone tomorrow and hearing all your news. See you in the morning. …

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