Year 5: Lanten workshop

We had a lovely time this afternoon making lanterns for the Nightingale House Lantern parade.  Year 5 are able to join the parade  if parents wish to take them (we …

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Year 5: Mars Rover

Our Mars Rover gave us a challenge today to design and make a way for an egg to land safely without cracking. We worked hard in groups this morning and …

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Year 5: Week beginning 13 November

Next week, we will be carrying on with doubling and halving to do our multiplication sums.  We will be reading and researching about our Mars Rovers and thinking about reasons …

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Year 5: Composing

This week, we have been listening to ‘The Planets’ by Holst. After this, we have begun to plan our compositions for a planet.  We will be carrying on with this …

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Year 5: Week beginning 6th November

Everyone has worked very hard this half term and I have been very impressed with all their work.  We have enjoyed learning all about our solar system.  We will be …

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Year 5: Prayer Stations

Tuesday, we visited the Prayer Stations. Diolch to our Criw Addoli for organising it. We enjoyed sitting quiet and reflecting. #Ethical Informed Citizens

Year 5: Papier mache

Monday, Year 5 enjoyed using papier mâché to make the planets.  Once these are dry, we will paint and display them in our class. #Enterprising, Creative Contributors 

Year 5: Week beginning 23/10

I was so impressed this week when I saw Blwyddyn 5’s Space Day, it was fantastic.  We shared good ideas for similes and metaphors for our space poetry and have …

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Year 5: Visiting the Church

This morning, we went across to our Church to look for symbols.  When we got back to school, we presented our photos in Pic Collage. #ethical Informed Citizens

Year 5: Week beginning 16 October

We have learnt a lot about the moon this week, including why it looks like it changes shape.  On NASA’s website, we looked at the surface of the moon which …

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Year 5: Space Dance

Year 5 are busy making a space dance in P.E. #healthy, confident individuals

Year 5: Week beginning 9th October

I am so impressed with everyone’s homework about the Brecon Beacons – well done Blwyddyn 5 and thank you to all parents for your support.  We enjoyed watching Mewn Cymeriad’s …

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Year 5: Art – sunrise and sunsets

We enjoyed painting a ‘wash’ of the sky and then adding  building and features using black paper.  #enterprising, creative contributors

Year 5: Week beginning 2 October

I am very proud of Year 5’s performance of our poem in Church – well done! Luckily, the sun has been out today, so we have been measuring  shadows every …

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Year 5: Harvest Loaf

We are looking forward to taking our Harvest Loaf to Church tomorrow. Thank you so much to Mrs Conlan for making the dough. 

Year 5: Week beginning 25 September

Well done Year 5.  We have been working very hard on our adding and subtracting strategies this week.  We will continue with this next week too.  In RE we will …

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Year 5: Harvest Loaf

We have been busy making our Harvest Loaf for Church this afternoon. It looks fabulous. Well done Blwyddyn 5 and Mrs Cheetham.

Year 5: Week beginning 18 September

We have all worked hard this week.  I was very impressed with our explanation  ‘How do we know the Earth is a sphere?’   In Maths, we will be using different …

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Year 5: PE

We have enjoyed our P.E sessions this week. on Wednesday, we were using our team skills to cross a hot planet.  On Thursday, we enjoyed creating a dance.

Year 5: Week beginning 11 September

I am really pleased how well everyone had settled in last week.  Well done Year 5.  This week our maths focus will be adding using the column method.  In our …

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