Year 6: weekly round up!

A lovely final week of our topic ‘St.Lucia’. We experimented with musical instruments to compose pieces of music which represented various activities you can do on the island. We also …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

A sunny end to a week full of creativity! This week we spent lots of time planning a holiday to St.Lucia. Year 6 looked into real flight tickets and what …

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Year 6: Weekly update/launch day

What a wonderful and sunny week here in year 6! Monday started with our launch day for our final topic of the year. The class spent the morning exploring the …

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Year 6: Weekly Round up

Wow! What a week! It’s fair to say that there were lots of sleepy pupils (and staff) by the end of the week.  Nant BH was a wonderful experience and …

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Year 6: Ysgol Rhiwabon Invitation

Please see below message and flyer from Ysgol Rhiwabon: Please find attached information on our Summer Celebration Evening which includes the traditional Year 6 Parents meeting at 6pm in the …

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Year 6: Nant BH

Our second day at Nant BH was full of smiles, laughter, and a lot of shrieks as we plunged into the cold water! We started with gorge walking in the …

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Year 6: Nant BH

We have had a busy but exciting first day! We’ve enjoyed zipwires, rope courses, and a beautiful evening walk. More photos will be uploaded to Google Classroom this week. Here …

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Year 6: Weekly round up!

Year 6 have been busy this week writing their lighthouse poems and persuasive letters. I was very impressed by the creative writing shown in their poems. Once they had drafted …

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Year 6: Half term!

We’ve had an amazing end to the week by finally receiving their marble jar reward. We ended the half term in style by hosting our own cinema/pyjama party. Year 6 …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

We’ve had another lovely week in year 6. We started the week by revealing the new parking bollards with PC Sarah, where a small group went to try speed gunning. …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

Lots of smiles this week as the warmer weather has finally joined us! Maths: Our focus this week has been solving areas of 2D and 3D shapes which has involved …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

Another busy but wonderful week in year 6. Our literacy focus was writing diary entries inspired by our new book ‘Letters from the lighthouse’. We used tea bags to stain …

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Year 6: Weekly round up!

Another week of excellent effort and excitement! Themau: this week we have started reading ‘Letters from the lighthouse’ for our new topic. We created radio broadcasts and evacuation posters, inspired …

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Year 6: Weekly round up!

A very exciting week in year 6!  On Monday we worked together in groups to compose a piece of music which complimented various sounds which would be heard during an …

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Year 6: Welcome back!

This week we launched our new topic ‘Rhyfel a heddwch’ (War and peace). Our main activity of the day was making a pear crumble. We worked in groups to follow …

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Year 6: End of term!

As our topic ‘Cymru’ is coming to an end this term, we’ve spent this week finalising pieces of work and having our last go at the Cymru challenges. On Monday, …

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Year 6: Weekly Round up

World Book Day: We had a blast on Monday where we set up the classroom as a French cafe for pupils to ‘taste test’ new books. Lots of new favourites …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

This week we have been working hard on our character studies of the story The Snow Spider. We have been hooked on the book since launch week and are looking …

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Year 6: New Topic Launch

Wow! What an incredible first week back! On Monday we spent the day designing and building our own moving toys. We are hoping to have these sent home next week. …

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Year 6: Weekly Round up

We had a very exciting start to the week where Year 6 spent the afternoon experimenting with toys, materials, and objects to create their own stop motion animation. These videos …

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