Year 5: Reading

This afternoon, we read for pleasure.  We will start to do this every Friday afternoon. #ambitious, capable learners

Reception: Weekly round up!

Well, what an exciting week it’s been here in Reception week! The highlight was a visit from North Wales Fire service, where we even got to sit in the fire …

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Year 6: Weekly round up!

A very exciting week in year 6!  On Monday we worked together in groups to compose a piece of music which complimented various sounds which would be heard during an …

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Nursery: Weekly roundup

We made the most of the sunny weather this week and enjoyed having our snack outside during Welly Wednesday. As part of our ‘Growing’ topic, we planted Iris bulbs in …

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News: Mrs McCaffrey

We would like to let everyone know that Mrs McCaffrey has decided to retire at the end of this school year. Mrs McCaffrey has worked at St Mary’s for nearly …

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News: School Garden Transformation

We are sending a big thank you to Mr and Mrs Bickley who arranged for volunteer helpers from Bank of America to help in our garden this week.  They worked …

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5 Ways to Wellbeing!

As a whole school we have been learning about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing which we remember through the acronym MAGIC! We remember to be…… Mindful (Take time to take notice) …

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News: Y6 Leaver Hoodies

The Year 6 leaver hoodies have arrived and will be sent home today.  Children are welcome to wear them to school AFTER MAY HALF TERM.   They look lovely and we …

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We have been asked to share the following from Tempest Photography. Dear Parents, Have you ordered your school Group photo yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back …

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Year 6: Welcome back!

This week we launched our new topic ‘Rhyfel a heddwch’ (War and peace). Our main activity of the day was making a pear crumble. We worked in groups to follow …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary!

Hi, Over the weekend please try to learn your assembly lines! The assembly isn’t until Friday but if you can learn your lines for either Monday or Tuesday when we …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

We’ve had an explosive return this week to Year 1! As you will have already seen, we started the week with our erupting Volcano to launch our Dinosaurs topic. The children …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have loved the first week of our new topic. They came up with some excellent ideas for our missions this half term and they are really looking forward …

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Year 2: Weekly Round Up.

Please see ‘Seesaw’ to see what Year 2 have been doing this week. Have a lovely weekend.  From  Mrs Kelly and all the staff in Year 2.

Year 5: Week beginning 15 April

We have enjoyed starting our new topic this week – heroes and villains.  Next week, we will starting to share our myth.  Following this, we will be researching Greek Gods, …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

It’s been great to see you all after our 2 week break and we’ve loved hearing all your news in Circle time😁 We’ve started our new growing topic by meeting …

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News: Digital Leaders

This morning the Digital Leaders held their first clinic for staff. They shared their knowledge and taught the staff how to utilise different learning platforms and apps in the classroom.  …

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Nursery: Weekly update

Welcome back after our Easter break. It has been lovely to hear the children’s news! We will be having our ‘Growing’ topic launch next Wednesday during Welly Wednesday (weather permitting!) …

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News: ICT Club iMovie

The Year 3 and 4 pupils that attended ICT Club before the Easter break created an iMovie. They were asked to create a short video that they thought could promote …

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