News: Schools Measles Guidance

Please see the attached information which we have been asked to share regarding the current measles outbreak. 08042024-Measles-letter-NHS-WALES-ENG.docx.pdf

Year 2 P.E

Please see ‘Seesaw’ to see what we have been learning in P.E. Thank you  Mrs Kelly.

Year 3: Walk around Ruabon

Year 3 have enjoyed their walk around Ruabon today, despite the weather! Well done Y3. They are looking forward to learning more about our local area over the next half …

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Reception: Topic launch!

Please see our photos on seesaw of a special visitor we had to Reception class this morning to kick start our new growing topic! Children will be bringing home a …

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Year 5: Launch

Yesterday, we launched our topic ‘heroes and villains’. As part of this, we are making Adobe web presentations to explain what heroes and villains are and give examples. Everyone has …

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Year 4: Topic launch

The clues… Year 4 started today by drawing a map of a barn owl’s habitat using the coordinates and compass directions provided to them. They then use the map to …

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Reception: PE reminder!

Please come dressed in PE kits tomorrow, not Thursday, as Liam will be coming to lead another fun session with us.

Year 1: Topic Launch – Dinosaurs!

Today in Year 1 we launched our exciting new topic…. Dinosaurs! We’ve had a fantastic day learning in our new areas. We especially liked the fossil table outside and the …

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News: FOSM Non-School Uniform Day

Just a reminder about non-school uniform on Friday: Friends of St Mary’s needs your help! We are holding a non-school uniform day on Friday 12th April and in exchange, we are …

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Year 3: HAPPY EASTER (Please Read)

We made it! We’ll be starting a new topic after Easter. Exciting times! Pupils seem to have really enjoyed their fairytales topic. I’ve given pupils a laminated times-tables sheet. It’s …

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Year 3: Making Music

Year 3 enjoyed their music session with Cana from Wrexham Music Co-operative. The theme was harmonies. To start pupils were identifying major and minor harmonies in songs. They then played …

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Year 5: Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone.  We will be starting our new topic after Easter.  Maths focus will be finding equivalent fractions.  P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday as usual.  Please …

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Year 2 Weekly Round Up

Please see ‘Seesaw’ to see what Year 2 have been up to this week.  We hope you have a fantastic Easter.  From  Mrs Kelly, Mrs Williams, Mrs Whitehall, Mrs Leighton, …

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Reception: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our lovely Reception children and families! 🐰🐰🐰 Photos of our fun Easter activities including our Egg Hunt, Easter cake making, crafts and Easter games can all …

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Reception: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our lovely Reception children and families! 🐰🐰🐰 Photos of our fun Easter activities including our Egg Hunt, Easter cake making, crafts and Easter games can all …

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