Year 4: Weekly update

This week Blwyddyn 4 thoroughly enjoyed playing water polo in swimming. They all worked together wonderfully as a team and their swimming teachers were full of praise for the good …

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News: Easter Raffle

Our School Council have done an amazing job this week selling raffle tickets to all pupils to win an Easter Egg. They raised a terrific sum of £154.10 and the …

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Year 6: End of term!

As our topic ‘Cymru’ is coming to an end this term, we’ve spent this week finalising pieces of work and having our last go at the Cymru challenges. On Monday, …

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News: FOSM Non-School Uniform Day

Friends of St Mary’s needs your help! We are holding a non-school uniform day on Friday 12th April and in exchange, we are asking for children to bring in prizes for …

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Nursery: weekly round up

There had been great egg-citement in Nursery this week! The Easter bunny hopped in and hid some eggs for us to find and we had lots of fun searching for …

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Year 4: Values Day

On Thursday the pupils enjoyed taking part in activities to celebrate our whole school value of Forgiveness. We enjoyed reading the parable of the unforgiving servant and the messages within …

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News: Tesco

Please see below information from Tesco regarding customer voting in store at Tesco Cefn Mawr.  We are delighted to let you know that your application to Tesco Stronger Starts has …

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Year 5: Visit to Ysgol Rhiwabon 1

We had a great time at Ysgol Rhiwabon on Wednesday. We learnt all about static and had great fun. Diolch to the staff at Ysgol Rhiwabon for inviting us. #Ambitious …

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Year 3: MAGIC – Giving

MAGIC G is for Giving, and today Y3 gave back to their community by helping making Ruabon an even nicer place to live. Collectively pupils found lots of litter and …

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Year 3: Being thankful

Acrostic poems, Comic strips and recounts were just some of the activities pupils chose to do as part of our values day. The theme was ‘thankfulness’, with pupils doing some …

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Year 3: Litter Pick Tomorrow

Hi, Just to let you know that the litter pick, originally intended for last week, will now take place tomorrow. Pupils shouldn’t get too muddy but you are welcome to …

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News: Free Swimming at Easter

Please see attached flyer regarding free swimming during the Easter break. Nofio-Am-Ddim-Pasg-Easter-Free-Swimming-PRINT-ONLY.pdf

Year 5: Periscopes

We enjoyed testing our periscopes  yesterday.  They are looked fabulous. Thank you to all parents for your support. We also have achieved our final marble for our reward. We will …

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News: Easter Raffle

Our School Council will be selling raffle tickets for the rest of this week to win an Easter Egg. Two tickets will be drawn from each class, each winning a …

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News: Red Nose Day Thank You

Thank you to everyone who supported Red Nose Day on Friday, we raised an amazing £241.43 which includes £50.33 from Year 2 selling cakes during their class assembly.

News: St Mary’s Church Easter

Canon Pam has asked us to share the following from St Mary’s Church: There will be a Hot Cross Bun service on Good Friday (29th March) where there will be …

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Year 4: Easter Orienteering

Today, we used our maps to find markers. Each marker had a question or task related to Easter. Our reward for completing the course was a chocolate Easter egg!  #healthyConfidentIndividuals

Year 3: Next Week Summary

Today pupils have enjoyed coming in their own clothes for Red Nose Day. Thank you to everybody for donating money to such a great cause! Next week it’s photos day …

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