Year 4: Weekly update

We have discovered this week that Blwyddyn 4 are master carpenters. They have been busy measuring and cutting the wood to make their own photograph frames. They were confident, accurate …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

Well done Reception for working hard all week!  Book Day was lots of fun on Monday and we rounded the week off raising money for Comic Relief and listening to …

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Year 5: Week beginning 18 March

We have been busy with our new focus in Science this week – Light.  We have used the data logger again to see how much light travels through different materials.  …

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Year 6: Weekly Round up

World Book Day: We had a blast on Monday where we set up the classroom as a French cafe for pupils to ‘taste test’ new books. Lots of new favourites …

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Nursery: Mini Explorers Open Mornings

Please see information below from Sandy at Mini Explorers. Mini Explorers is now fully registered and ready to open at St Mary’s Ruabon on the 8th of April 2024. Open …

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Nursery: weekly update

The children enjoyed a fantastic World Book Day on Monday and they all looked fantastic in their costumes! We read lovely books and had yummy  hot chocolate and cookies for …

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Year 5: Homework

Next week, we will making our bread using our own ingredients.  Each pupil will be bringing home a list of the items they would like to add to their bread. …

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News: Parents Evenings

A reminder that if you have not already made a parents evening appointment, please do so by mid-day on Friday.  Thank you

News: Digital Leaders- useful websites

We wanted to share some useful websites with you that may help you to set up parental controls and give you some information about the importance of parental controls on …

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Year 4: World Book Day

The pupils of Blwyddyn 4 looked great dressed in costume for World Book Day today!  We enjoyed using compass points to show direction in Maths, finding different characters and settings …

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Year 3: World book day fun!

Year 3 looked amazing in their costumes today and this afternoon enjoyed working together to create fairy tale scenes from lego. 

Year 1: World Book Day

The children have enjoyed a fantastic World book day here in Year 1. They all looked amazing in their fabulous costumes! We have been busy writing book reviews on our …

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Year 5: World Book Day

Diolch everyone for all your effort with World Book Day costumes.  We played the yes or no game to guess a character.  It was really good fun! #ambitious, capable learners