Year 3: Maths Game

Year 3 have enjoyed playing a game this morning where they were practising converting volume from ml to litres and vice versa. They all loved applying the knowledge they had …

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News: World Book Day and Red Nose Day

Please see attached information regarding World Book Day and Red Nose Day, both of which are taking place next week. World-Book-Day-and-Red-Nose-Day-2024.pdf

Year 5: Photos from last night.

Everyone enjoyed team games and seeing the man with his owls last night. We are looking forward to low ropes and the climbing wall this morning.

Year 5: Forest Activities

We enjoyed a treasure hunt in the forest, using a flint and roasting marshmallows. We are going swimming next.

Year 5: Arrived

We have arrvied and ready to start activities.

News: Thinking positively!

We think it is so important to train ourselves to have a positive mindset and speak kindly to ourselves that we have even put positive statements up in the toilets! …

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News: Red Nose Day 15th March 2024

It is Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March.  Children are welcome to come to school dressed in red if they wish and donate £1 for this worthy cause.  You can donate money in school …

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Year 3: Measuring Volume

This morning pupils were estimating and measuring volumes of water. This follows on from the work we did last week when measuring length, with many of the skills learned then …

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Year 4: A visit from PC Hulley

We enjoyed a visit from Pc Hulley this morning. We listened to lots of great advice about how to keep ourselves safe online.  #EthicalInformedCitizens #HealthyConfidentIndividuals

Year 3: Next Week Summary

Welsh Week had been great. What a lovely way to end today with pupils performing their dance. As well as the dance being on Google Classroom, there are also videos …

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Year 3: Music Time!

Year 3 enjoyed putting some music to their ‘Red’ stories today. They had full reign of the instruments, choosing the ones to best fit the paragraph they were retelling. They …

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Year 5: Week beginning 4 March

Well done to everyone for their hard work this week, especially with frog jumps for subtraction sums.  We did find money frog jumps  a bit of a challenge, so we …

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Year 3: Happy St David’s Day

Year 3 did really well today performing their dance in our special St David’s Day assembly! Many other staff complimented the class on how good it was. Mrs Leighton and …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Another busy week here in Year 1! This week we have been focusing on measuring using a ruler. This is in preparation for when our beanstalks start to sprout and …

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Year 4: Weekly update

We had a lovely Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant celebration this morning. Everyone sang and danced beautifully. Blwyddyn 4 have also loved being news reporters this week. Their flip videos reporting …

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