Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 loved their first swimming session. They represented our school brilliantly while out and we are so proud of them. We have been busy learning how to tell the …

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Year 5: Week beginning 26 February

We have had a lovely week, tasting bread, trying Victorian playtime games and making and programming racing cars.  I have been very impressed with our borrowing subtraction skills in Maths. …

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Year 2 Weekly Round Up.

This week the children had their ‘Topic Launch.’ I would like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ for sending costumes in for the children. They all looked amazing and we …

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Year 6: New Topic Launch

Wow! What an incredible first week back! On Monday we spent the day designing and building our own moving toys. We are hoping to have these sent home next week. …

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Nursery: weekly update

We have been celebrating the Year of the Dragon🐉 for Chinese New Year this week by learning all about Chinese New Year customs and creating fantastic dragon art. We read a …

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Reception: Chinese food!

We are looking forward to sampling some egg fried rice, noodles and prawn crackers tomorrow. Please see a member of staff if your child has any allergies to these. 

News: Welsh Week

Please see attached information regarding Welsh Week at St Mary’s. School-Eisteddfod-and-Welsh-Week-2024.pdf

Year 4: Problem Solving

We were given 15 pictures of members of the Tudor family. The only information that we had was their name, birth date and date of death. We had to find …

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Year 5: Coding with Lego 1

This afternoon, we made a racing car with Lego.  Then, we programmed it to travel without it bumping into anything.  We all did very well. #ambitious, capable learners

Year 5: P.E session 1

We have had great fun this morning, playing Victorian games. #healthy, confident individuals

Year 5: bread tasting

Yesterday, we tasted different types of bread.  This will help us when we are designing our own. #ambitious, capable learners.

News: Football After School Club

Everybody enjoyed football club today! Well done all for working hard on your control/ passing of the ball. #healthyconfidentlearners Mr Steele

Year 3: Friends for Life!

Year 3 have enjoyed doing more ‘Friends for Life’ work with Mrs Paxton, creating a bookmark with ideas to help with their wellbeing. They also practised their bubble breathing!  #HealthyConfidentLearners

YEAR 2 Topic launch.

Please can I remind you that if your child has a costume such as princess, queen, knight, king type outfit, that you send them into school in a bag tomorrow …

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News: School’s Essential Grant

Please remember that, even though all pupils are able to access ‘Universal Free School Meals’, some families may also be eligible for support with trips, uniform, etc.  If you think …

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