Year 5: 19th February

We have all worked so hard this last half term.  Everyone tried their best and produced lovely work.  For a couple of weeks, we will be continuing with our Victorian …

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Year 1: Changes to Forest School

A big welcome back Year 1! I hope you’ve had a lovely week off and are ready for the new half term. Tomorrow we will be discovering more about our …

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Year 3: Summary of today/ First Week Back

Today Today’s been a great day!! We watched an animation which we discussed/ wrote notes about. This was loosely based around the fairytale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, giving them plenty …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

A massive well done Year 1, we have made it to the end of this half term! The children have really enjoyed out Jungle topic and have produced some excellent …

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Year 2 Round Up.

Please see ‘Seesaw’ for information about Tuesday 20th February and also what we have been up to this week. We have come to the end of our theme ‘Space and …

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Year 6 – Happy Half Term!

A wonderful last day to end a jam-packed half-term! Year 6 spent the morning finishing their sculptures and having one last go at their ‘Symud’ challenges. Photos will follow after …

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Year 4: Weekly update

We have ended today getting messy with paper mache to make our chairs. They are drying ready to paint and decorate when we come back after half term. After half …

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Reception: Happy Half Term!

This term has really flown by and we have done so much!! We’ve enjoyed our Winter topic, bird watching and learning all about our school value of compassion.  This week …

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Nursery: Nursery weekly update

This week, we have been thinking about our school value of Compassion and how we care for and show our love to others❤️. We visited prayer stations in the hall …

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Year 4: Homework

After half term we will begin our technology work on photograph frames. All pupils will be creating their own photograph frame using wood. Over half term it would be great …

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Year 5: Prayer stations

We have enjoyed visiting the prayer stations this morning. Diolch Criw Addoli. #Ethical, informed citizens

News: Visit to school

Rev. Trish and Rev. Kate came in on Monday to talk to pupils about their trip to Tanzania. #ethical informed citizens

Year 5: Victorian P.E

Mrs McCaffrey did P.E. As Victorian children would have experienced. #healthy, confident individuals 

Year 4: Prayer Stations

Blwyddyn 4 have enjoyed spending time in the prayer stations this morning thinking about our value COMPASSION. #HealthyConfidentIndividuals 

Year 4: PE

Bore da Please remember that PE will be outside today so please make sure all pupils have appropriate kit on.  Diolch 

Year 4: Safer Internet Day

Today we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day. The message for 2024 is ‘Inspiring Change? making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. Today we have been thinking about …

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Year 5: Victorian homework

Pnawn da, Sorry for the confusion.  I put in the weekly update that the Victorian homework about Wrexham and Ruabon was in this week.  It is due in by 20th February. …

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Year 5: Victorian school life

This morning, we have been imaging what it would be like in a Victorian school. This afternoon, we will use Adobe to make website presentations.  #ambitious, capable learners