Year 6: Weekly Round Up

This week started with an investigation to see which surface a coin would spin on for the longest. We found that the smoother surfaces, such as glass, were most suitable …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

We’ve had a great week in Reception class. 🐤🐦🐧 The children have been really engaged in learning about all things birds! We enjoyed a special story about a kind bird …

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Nursery: weekly update

We have had a busy week celebrating Dydd Santes Dwynwen by listening to her story of love and creating fantastic heart art❤️. We have been bird spotting with binoculars and …

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Year 3: playing the ukulele!

Year 3 had a music workshop today with Mr Hardwick from Wrexham Music Co-operative. Pupils were introduced to the word ‘riff’ (repeated pattern of notes) and listened to songs with …

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Year 2: Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus!

We have been celebrating St Dwynwen’s Day. St Dwynwen is the welsh patron Saint of love and St Dwynwen’s Day is celebrated on January 25th. We heard a story about …

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Year 6: last week

It was a frosty week at St Mary’s last week, but that didn’t stop our learning!   Maths – Last week we were exploring Area, Perimeter, and Volume. On Monday, …

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Year 3: Fractions and Coding!

Year 3 enjoyed their practical maths lesson this afternoon. The focus was on fractions with pupils drawing shapes to show a half, quarter, etc and they also shaded shapes to …

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News: Digital Leaders

Our digital leaders have been working hard to spread the message about staying safe online. During our whole school worship on Friday they shared a Slide Show that they have …

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Year 1: Change to PE

Apologies for the short notice. This week we will be doing PE tomorrow (Tuesday) instead of Wednesday due to a staff absence. Please can children come dressed for PE rather …

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Year 3: Battle Ready!

Year 3 have enjoyed having their face/ hand/ arm painted this afternoon in blue paint to look like a Celtic Warrior. Coupled with their fantastic shields they look a frightening …

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News: Wrap Around Care Information

As you are aware, Happy Hands, the playgroup that was renting a room at school, has very sadly folded.  Over the last couple of months the Governors have been working …

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Year 3: Today and Summary of Next Week

Pupils have enjoyed making their Celtic Shield’s this afternoon! On Monday they will have their picture with these (complete with blue Celtic patterns painted on their face/ hand if they …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

This frosty weather has been perfect for our Winter topic! We enjoyed observing the ice and snow on our yard. We looked at cold colours and made some sparkling collages. …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have earned themselves lots of marbles this week for their excellent attitude and effort in all that they have done. We are very proud of them and their …

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Year 5: Week beginning 22 January

Pnawn da,  Next week, we will continue to focus on finding the perimeter of shapes in Maths.  We will be continuing to read our story ‘Street Child’.  We will be …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

The end to another busy week here in Year 1! This week the children have been busy sequencing events for a trip to the Jungle. We had to really think …

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Year 2 Weekly Round Up.

Hi All We have had another bust week in Year 2. Please look on ‘Seesaw to see what we have been up to.’  As you are aware I am regularly …

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Nursery: weekly update

We have had a very busy week enjoying lots of winter themed activities❄️⛄ including: creating the first letter of our name using winter colours; writing our names in sparkly glitter; …

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News: Academic Year Dates 2024-2025

We have now uploaded the academic year dates for 2024-25 to the school website (key documents) and the calendar.  Please note that, should there be a general election, we may …

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