Year 3: Celtic Hillforts

Year 3 have been learning about Celtic hillforts today. One group then labelled a Celtic hillfort, another cut out and ranked the members of a Celtic tribe depending on their …

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Year 5: Making circuits

Yesterday, we recapped how to make a circuit.   #ambitious, capable learners

Year 3: Trial and Improvement!

Pupils were doing a maths activity this morning involving trial and improvement. They had to organise the blocks on their sheet according to the criteria given. While it was tricky …

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Year 4: Bible Stories Week

Today, we shared the story of ‘The Lost Sheep.’ We had discussions in groups, asking each other questions about the story. We thought about why Jesus told this story to …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary!

Next week we’ll be learning about hillforts as part of our Celts topic as well as weapons that they used. In literacy pupils will continue writing explanation texts (linked to …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Welcome back Year 1! What a fantastic first week we have had to this term. As you will see from the earlier post, we started the week by going on …

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Year 6: First week back

Year 6 have had a busy but memorable first week back. One Monday and Tuesday we finished our final activities for the topic ‘Ein Byd’. In groups, we experimented with …

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Year 5: Week beginning 15 January

This week, we begun to read ‘Street Child’ .  I have been so impressed with our group discussions about the character’s personalities.  Next week, we will continue reading more and …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have had a wonderful first week back. They have worked incredibly hard and have earned lots of marbles in their class jar as a result. Everyone loved our …

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Year 2

Year 2 Weekly round up.  A huge Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to 2024. Please see Seesaw to …

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Reception: Weekly round up!!

Happy New Year everyone. 🥳We’ve loved welcoming everyone back to school this week and hearing all about your Christmas holiday news.  We launched our Winter topic by wrapping up warm …

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Nursery: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!🎉 We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break. We have been so excited to see everyone and to hear about all the super presents🎁 you …

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News: Friends of St Mary’s

Thank you all for supporting Friends of St Mary’s with their recent fundraising events.  We have managed to raise an amazing sum of £152 for the Christmas raffle, £98.40 for …

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Year 3: Building Roundhouses!

Those that didn’t in Year 3, this afternoon made their Celtic Roundhouses. What a great job they have done! They will evaluate them later in the week, thinking about what …

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Year 4: PE

Please remember that PE will resume on a Wednesday this half term. Remember to come to school in your kits tomorrow ready for gymnastics. Thanks you

News: Girls Football Clywedog

We have been asked to share the attached document. It’s about a girls football session Active Wrexham will be running in the community. It is FREE to attend and all …

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Year 3: Boudicca!

Some pupils have made their Celtic Roundhouses today, doing a great job of following their design plan.  Others have been doing missions linked to the Celts in the VIP room …

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News: Nursery Admission Round

Please share this information with family and friends regarding Nursery admissions for September 2024. Many thanks. Nursery-Advert.pdf

Year 4: topic launch

This morning Blwyddyn 4 had to guess what their new topic would be about using a variety of clues. They eventually discovered that our new topic is called Off With …

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