Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have blown us away with their maths work this week. They have confidently been adding three digit numbers using the column method. They have also written some excellent …

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Nursery: weekly update

We have had a very festive week in Nursery this week🎄⛄. We have decorated stars for the Tree Festival in St. Mary’s Church based on the theme ‘Love shining down …

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News: Countdown to Christmas

Please see attached our ‘Countdown to Christmas’ with all the information and dates you will need in the run up to Christmas. Countdown-to-Christmas-2023.pdf

Year 1 & 2: Costumes

Today children have come home with a note in their book bags about additional items they will need to wear in the Christmas concert. We are hoping that these items …

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News: Ruabon Library Family Lego

We have been asked to share the following from Ruabon Library: We would be grateful if could inform the children and their parents/carers that we have had to temporarily suspend …

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News: Ruabon Community Lights Launch

We have been asked to share the following information: Ruabon Community Council Christmas Lights Launch Friday 1st December 6pm Ruabon Village Hall Carol Singing accompanied by the Salvation Army band …

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News: Christmas Concert Ticket Reminder

Just a general reminder to everyone that Christmas concert tickets must be purchased by Friday 8 December.  Please let us know if you need another slip sending home. Thank you

Year 3: Today’s Practical Maths

Year 3 did a practical maths lesson today, focusing on our skill for this week: to identify missing numbers on a number line. We did lots of whiteboard work and …

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Year 5: Week beginning 27th November

Well done everyone for all your hard work this week.  We have persevered with some tricky Maths this week and enjoyed the challenges for our launch.  Yesterday, we used our pupil …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next week in Year 3 we will be moving on to identifying the missing numbers on a number line in maths. We’ll be continuing with explanation texts in our literacy …

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News: Year 5 & 6 football

  Well done to the Year 5 and 6 footballers! You all did amazingly well, Mr Steele and Mr Hall were very proud of you all. You’ll be pleased to …

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Year 6: Weekly roundup

Another fantastic week! Year 6 spent a lot of time carefully planning their science investigation. They investigated which material would be most suitable for a child’s cup for a hot …

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Year 2:

Year 2 WEEKLY ROUND UP Please see Seesaw to see how hard your children have been working this week. Have a lovely weekend Mrs Kelly

Year 1: Weekly round up

Another busy week here in Year 1! This week we have been trying to find Superworm. As you know, Wizard Lizard and his Crow had taken him away from his …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blywyydn 4 have been super stars this week. They especially enjoyed coding thermometers and taking some time out to be mindful and concentrate on some breathing techniques to calm down. …

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News: Christmas Concerts

Christmas concert tickets are selling fast so please don’t forget to send your completed proforma and money to school by Friday 8th December.

Reception: Weekly round up!

It’s been another fun filled week in Reception Class!  We’ve had lots of fun with our teddy bears. It was lovely meeting them all and finding out why they are …

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Nursery: weekly update

Thank you for having another fun week learning in Nursery. We have enjoyed more bear activities, re-telling the story of Goldilocks and sorting items from the story by size. We …

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