Nursery: Weekly update

We have had a very colourful week learning why we celebrate Bonfire Night and have painted super firework pictures with lots of colour and glitter. We even had hotdogs for …

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News: Christmas Card Orders

Please note that the last day to order the Christmas Cards designed by the children is Monday 13th November. Instructions are on the proof that was sent home.

Year 4: Christmas Concert lines

Year 4 are bringing home their lines for the Christmas concert today. Please spend some time with them learning their lines. The parts can be kept at home for the …

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News: Well done to our Criw Addoli!

Da iawn to the Criw Addoli, our worship and ethos committee, for their hard work and brilliant ideas setting up our prayer week before half term. The activities were based …

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Year 2: Growing up Talk

Today the Year 2 children have had the ‘Growing up Talk’ where they were introduced to the correct terminology for body parts. We also discussed appropriate and inappropriate touching. To …

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Year 1 & Year 2: Christmas Concert

We have had an exciting time today, we have started our Christmas Concert! The children have come home with their concert lines, please could you take some time to practise …

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Year 3: New Topic Launch!

Today we launched our new topic – The Celts! Firstly the children watched a special episode of ‘Through the Keyhole’. The presenter explored someone’s house, finding lots of clues along …

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Year 4: Kensuke’s Kingdom

This morning we have been doing activities linked to our new book. The pupils had to try and guess what the book was based on the activities that we did.  …

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Year 2: No P.E.

Dear All There will be no P.E for the next few weeks as we will be preparing for the Christmas concerts so  P.E kits are not needed until after Christmas. …

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News: All Stars/Dynamos Cricket.

I have been asked to share with you the attached flyer for cricket sessions starting in the Wrexham area. The session is for children ages 5-11. Please note children must …

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Year 3: End Goal Reached!

Year 3 were busy today finishing their ‘meal plan’ for Mr Steele – the final activity in our ‘Healthy Living’ topic. At the start of the last half term in …

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News: Mrs Thomas Maternity Leave

Mrs Thomas, our Year 2 teacher, will be leaving us on Friday to commence her maternity leave.  We are sure you will join us in wishing Mrs Thomas and her …

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Year 2: Monday Monday

In ‘Monday Monday’ Year 2 had a lovely afternoon using clay and natural materials to make faces.

Year 1: Topic Launch – Superheroes!

Calling all Year 1 children, Dewi needs your help!   Today Dewi, our class dragon, had gone missing! We needed to become Superheroes to help find and rescue him. But what …

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News: Children In Need Donations Page

The Great Spotacular  On Friday 17th November the children can come to school dressed in yellow or spots if they wish to show their support to Pudsey.  The children canbring in a …

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Year 3: Science Investigation Results

Today Y3 looked at the eggs in our science investigation from last half term. The pupils learned about what different drinks can do to our teeth, including staining and eventually …

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News: RBL Poppy Appeal

We will once again be supporting the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal this year and we have a selection of poppy items in the office for the children to choose …

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Year 6: half term round up!

Wow! This half term went so quickly! We have had another fun week in year 6. Our focus this week has been on persuasive writing. The skills learnt over the …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Well done Year 1! We have successfully made it to the end of half term. We couldn’t be any more proud of you all and how hard you have worked, …

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