Year 4: Indian Food Tasting

Year 4 Food Tasting Dear parents/carers, As part of our work about India the pupils have asked if we can try some Indian food. We will do this on Thursday …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

Luckily the rain stayed away for Welly Wednesday!  We had lots of fun in the mud kitchen with our friends.  We also helped to plant some Autumn bedding plants and …

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Year 2: PE

This morning in PE we worked hard on jumping and following instructions. #Healthy, Confident Individuals

Year 4: Adding two 2-digit numbers

This morning we have been adding two 2-digit numbers using a variety of practical methods.  #AmbitiousCapableLearners 

News: Parents Evenings

We will be offering on-site parents‘ evenings for you to come and discuss your child/children with the teachers and to have a look at their work.  If you would like …

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News: Tempest Online Photo Orders

Dear Parents, Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Thursday 19th October. Order through the Tempest …

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Year 3: Today’s Maths

This morning Year 3 were practising their times tables (x5s and x10s), in some cases using these to solve trickier sums, e.g. 15 x 10 by adding 10×10 and 5×10 …

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Year 2

Today in ‘Muddy Monday’ we had lots of fun playing different games. We worked on our own to create our names using sticks. We worked in pairs to create shapes …

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News: Friends of St Mary’s Disco

Don’t forget that Friends of St Mary’s will be holding a disco on 19th October.  Please see the flyer attached. FOSM-Disco-Oct-2023.pdf

Year 2: Book Bag Reminder

Hello, thank you very much for the book bags we have received today, could we please ask for the remaining book bags to be sent in tomorrow so that we …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Hi, Here’s a summary of next week: -Maths – Times-Table Recap! (x5, x10s, x2s, x4s) -Literacy – Role-play/ hot seating linked to The Twits! -Topic -Learning about the importance of …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Another brill week here in Year 1! We started the week looking at recycling. We sorted out different items into different types of recycling. Some things were made of plastic, …

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Year 1: Tree Top Thursday

Apologies for the late post. Thankfully we had some lovely sunshine that allowed us to have a great time up at Tree Top Thursday yesterday. We got up to lots of …

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Year 6: weekly roundup

Another exciting week in year 6. This week, we planned and completed a community project around Ruabon. All of year 6 worked very hard to clean up the litter surrounding …

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Year 4: Weekly roundup

A super week in Blwyddyn 4 this week. We are starting to see all pupils becoming a lot more independent in their learning and their resilience is developing when working …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

Da iawn Year 2, you have had another fantastic week where you have worked incredibly hard! You have been busy writing about Autumn practising your sentence writing. In maths, we …

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Year 5: Week beginning 16 October

We have learnt a lot about the moon this week, including why it looks like it changes shape.  On NASA’s website, we looked at the surface of the moon which …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

We had lots of fun looking at fruits and vegetables this week and talking about how they look, smell and taste! We got busy chopping, mixing and cooking some of …

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News: Parents Evenings

We will be offering on-site parents‘ evenings for you to come and discuss your child/children with the teachers and to have a look at their work.  If you would like …

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