Nursery: weekly update

Da iawn pawb for working so hard this week😊. We have loved continuing our Autumn craft this week by making hedgehogs using leaves for prickles🦔. We have listened to an Autumn …

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Year 5: Space Dance

Year 5 are busy making a space dance in P.E. #healthy, confident individuals

Year 2: PE

Today we had fun in PE. We continued with our balancing and  introduced some games to help make it fun. We got into pairs and we tried to play catch …

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News: Thankful for Autumn

Autumn is here and we are practising our 5 ways to well-being by having some Mindful Moments. We have been taking time to notice the beautiful Autumn colours and appreciate the …

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News: Tempest Online Photo Orders

Dear Parents, Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Thursday 19th October. Order through the Tempest …

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News: Forest School Area

Yesterday afternoon, a number of staff spent time sorting out and tidying our Forest School area.  We have discussed how we would like to improve it over the year.  Our …

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News: St Mary’s Church Pet Service

Canon Pam has asked us to share the following: Families are invited to bring their pets to Church for a special Pet Service on Sunday 15th October at 3pm.

Year 2:

Today, during ‘Muddy Monday’ we had lots of fun looking for signs of Autumn. We found things such as blackberries, conkers and acorns. It was so nice to have such …

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Year 6: Weekly roundup

This week year 6 have had lots of interaction with the laptops! On Monday, we used Excel to create bar graphs which represented the data we collected from the previous …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Da iawn pawb on another busy week in Year 1!   This week in Maths we have been busy looking for the missing number to complete our sums. We used …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

Big well done to Year 2 this week! You have continued to work incredibly hard this week with all tasks. In maths we have looked at greater than and less …

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Year 5: Week beginning 9th October

I am so impressed with everyone’s homework about the Brecon Beacons – well done Blwyddyn 5 and thank you to all parents for your support.  We enjoyed watching Mewn Cymeriad’s …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

Da iawn Reception for another fantastic week!🙂  We have been busy learning about the changing seasons and have created some beautiful Autumn art work including puffy paint leaves, Autumn trees …

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Year 4: Weekly roundup

Pupils have continued to work hard this week and they are enjoying all of the new things that we are learning about. The class particularly enjoyed our absorbency investigation and …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Summary of next week: Maths – Using number facts to help add/ subtract numbers. R.E – Researching the role of food within different religions. Topic – Looking at the ‘farm …

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Nursery: weekly overview

We have had another busy week enjoying lots of activities. We had fun reading ‘We’re going on a leaf hunt’, doing the actions and then hunting for and collecting the …

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Year 3: Scrumptious Sandwiches!

Year 3 loved making their sandwiches today. The majority loved how they tasted! They were all very careful making them and followed their instructions well from their book. Thank you …

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