Year 3: Sandwiches

Reminder that today pupils will be making their healthy sandwiches. Diolch.  See you soon!  🙂  Mr Steele

Reception: Welly Weds!

We had lots of fun this afternoon exploring the story of ‘Leaf Man’ and children found lots of colourful leaves to make our creations later this week. The wind was …

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Year 2: PE fun

Today in PE we have been busy balancing! We have been balancing on one leg, raising onto our tip toes whilst balancing and even mini squats on one leg.  #Healthy, Confident …

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News: Ysgol Rhiwabon Open Evening

TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT!!!!! We look forward to seeing everyone tonight for our Open Evening at Ysgol Rhiwabon. Open-Evening-23.pdf

Year 4: listening activity

Today we had to listen carefully to follow a series of instructions. It really tested our listening skills but we all managed to complete the task and create a paper …

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News: Parking Safety Posters

PC Hulley has asked us to share these general parking safety posters online with parents and families.

Year 4: Pel droed

We enjoyed playing games to work on our football skills today. #HealthyConfidentIndividuals

Year 3: Balloon Balancing!

Pupils enjoyed todays p.e lesson. Once again we were learning about how to travel using different footwork patterns. They particularly liked the balloon balancing activity! Mr Steele

Year 6: Weekly Roundup

This week Year 6 have been working extremely hard to up-level their vocabulary and use exciting sentences for their poems. In the topic lessons, we have been exploring countries and …

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Year 1: Weekly round

This week in Year 1 we have been busy learning all about describing words. We learnt that they are called adjectives! We used some adjectives to describe some Autumn leaves …

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Year 5: Week beginning 2 October

I am very proud of Year 5’s performance of our poem in Church – well done! Luckily, the sun has been out today, so we have been measuring  shadows every …

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Year 3: Overview for Next Week

Hi, It’s been a lovely week. The pupils did really well singing the ‘Harvest Samba’ song in church this morning. Well done all! Next week pupils will be writing the …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week we have been busy busy busy! We have worked hard preparing for our Harvest celebrations. We enjoyed learning our song ‘In my trolley’ and tried hard to remember …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

It’s been another fun week here in Reception and we have been enjoying looking at lots of Autumn nature treasures. Thank you to those who bought in colourful leaves, conkers, …

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Year 4: Weekly roundup

Another great week of learning Blwyddyn 4, da iawn. All pupils did a fantastic job performing our Harvest Poem and we enjoyed out first church service of the year. Next …

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Reception: Tomi Twt!

Tomi Twt is all set for another year of adventures with Reception class.🐻  He will be coming home every Friday in his special bag with a book and a yummy …

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Nursery: weekly update

This week, we have been choosing our favourite Autumn colour to do handprints on leaves for our display🍂🍁, searching for signs of Autumn in Welly Wednesday (we found lots of acorns!), …

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