Year 2

Dear All Today your child has come home with the log in details for you and your child to access Seesaw. Seesaw is an excellent tool that Year 2 will …

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Year 2: Outdoor Art

We enjoyed collecting leaves, sticks, stones and conkers to make outdoor art, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  #EnterprisingCreativeContributors

Year 5: Harvest Loaf

We are looking forward to taking our Harvest Loaf to Church tomorrow. Thank you so much to Mrs Conlan for making the dough. 

Year 3: Sandwich Tasting

Today we have been tasting different sandwiches. Some went down really well, others not so much! Nonetheless it has given pupils some ideas for their own healthy sandwiches which they’ll …

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Year 1: A surprise visitor! 🦔

As I’m sure you’ll know by now, we had a surprise visitor come to visit one of our outside areas yesterday. The children were very excited at the discover a …

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Reception: Welly Weds!

We managed to enjoy some muddy fun in our garden today before the rain got too heavy! We were fantastic at working together to spot lots of signs of Autumn! …

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News: School Meals and Reducing Waste

Please see attached from the Local Authority which we have been asked to share.  Please pay particular notice to the section regarding school trips and ordering packed lunches. Thank you. …

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Nursery: weekly overview for last week

This is my weekly update for last week…..due to a technical issue, it didn’t upload to the website. We have had another great week in Nursery! We had our Autumn …

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Year 2: Muddy Monday

Today we followed ‘Fletcher the foxes’ footprints, until we found a basket of items. In the basket was a letter from Fletcher asking us to work in pairs to make …

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Year 2: Book Bags

Thank you for sending in your book bags today if you have forgotten to bring them back, please can you send them in tomorrow. Diolch Mrs Thomas 

Year 3: Practical Maths

This morning we were learning about place value in maths, using the base 10, arrow cards and discs to help us. We focused on showing a number using the resource …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

The end of another week in Year 1 and the children have been working so hard! We started the week in Maths trying to find different ways of making 4, …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

Well done to all on completing your 3rd week of Year 6.  We’ve had a lovely afternoon experimenting in PE with using silk to mimic and enhance our movements. It was …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week the children have been brilliant! We have worked hard on our number bonds to 10 and recognising the + and = signs in number sentences. We have used …

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Year 5: Week beginning 25 September

Well done Year 5.  We have been working very hard on our adding and subtracting strategies this week.  We will continue with this next week too.  In RE we will …

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Year 5: Harvest Loaf

We have been busy making our Harvest Loaf for Church this afternoon. It looks fabulous. Well done Blwyddyn 5 and Mrs Cheetham.

News: Friends of St Mary’s Disco

Friends of St Mary’s will be holding a disco on 19th October.  Please see the flyer attached. FOSM-Disco-Oct-2023.pdf