Year 3: Next Week Summary

Summary of next week: -Maths – Place Value – Looking at value of digits within a number/ writing numbers in figures. -Literacy – Writing instructions! (Continued) Also we’ll continue reading …

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Year 4: Weekly roundup

Blwyddyn 4 have been superstar learners this week. They have worked hard to become more independent in their learning and have produced some excellent work. Da iawn. Next week we …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

Its been another busy week in Reception class! Mr. Draenog came to visit with his special Autumn story and now we just can’t wait to get busy finding out more …

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Year 1: Tree Top Thursday

What a fun time we had at Tree Top Thursday. Today we ventured over to the junior yard where there were plenty of sticks, stones, acorns and all sorts of …

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Year 2: Homework

Today the children are bringing home their reading books to practise their reading. We have been working hard on sounding out and blending the sounds when we get stuck! Please …

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Reception: PE Fun!

We’ve been moving our busy bodies this afternoon. We played ‘Traffic Lights’ and a fun game called ‘Hedgehogs’ and then practiced our ball skills. We loved playing ‘Farmers in the …

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News: Ysgol Rhiwabon Open Evening

We have been asked to share the attached information from Ysgol Rhiwabon. There is a letter and leaflets going out next week to Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils, but …

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News: Harvest Festival in Church

Please see attached letter regarding our Harvest Festival in Church on 29th September and information from the Wrexham Foodbank.  If anyone would like to make donations they can be brought into …

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Reception: Topic launch!

We have definately noticed a change in the weather these past few days it’s been so wet and windy. But luckily the sun came out for our visit to our …

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Year 4: Performing our dances

Today we performed our Bollywood dances to the rest of the class. We evaluated them using 2 Stars and a Wish. #EnterprisingCreativeContributors

Year 2: Fancy Footwork in PE

In PE this morning we have been working on footwork patterns. We have been moving in different ways such as zig zag, hopscotch, hopping and side stepping.  #Healthy, Confident Individuals

Year 6: Tuesday

Another lovely day in year 6! This afternoon we presented our designs of humans with adaptations. Everyone displayed great confidence and respect when speaking and listening. As you can see …

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Year 2: PE Reminder

Please remember to come to school dressed in your PE kits tomorrow.  Diolch

Year 6: Monday

Year 6 have had a day full of creativity! In English, the class explored a technique known as ‘hot seating’ where you take on the role of a character. The …

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Year 5: Week beginning 18 September

We have all worked hard this week.  I was very impressed with our explanation  ‘How do we know the Earth is a sphere?’   In Maths, we will be using different …

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Year 3: Homework/ Next Week

I have given pupils a maths board game for homework. This week we have been doing number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. This homework aims to develop this skill …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

What a jam-packed week we’ve had in Year 1!  This week in Phonics we have been looking at the sound c, k and ck make and looking for things in …

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Year 3: Milkshakes

Year 3 had great fun this afternoon making their strawberry/ banana milkshakes (apologies, I put smoothies by mistake in prior post). They wrote clear, detailed instructions leading up to this. …

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Year 6 – Weekly roundup!

Congratulations on completing your second week of year 6!  Year 6 have been working hard this week, learning about adaptations in animals and creating fact files for their topic ‘Ein …

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