Year 5: Week beginning 11 September

I am really pleased how well everyone had settled in last week.  Well done Year 5.  This week our maths focus will be adding using the column method.  In our …

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Year 1 – Weekly round up

What a fun first week back we’ve had in Year 1! The children are settling in beautifully and our class routines are becoming more and more established. The children seem …

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Year 3: Homework/ Next Week Summary

Hi, Thanks for a lovely week Year 3! Your homework is to practise logging into Hwb using your login details. These can be found in your old Year 2 reading …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

We have had a lovely first week in Year 2. We have settled into our new classroom and routines well. The children have worked incredibly hard too, we were so …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

It’s been a busy week getting used to being in school all day for our lovely Reception children. They have done amazingly well, especially in this hot weather. What superstars! …

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Nursery: Our first week!

We have had a great first week back and all the children have settled in well😊. We have had lots of fun playing, doing activities, having photos taken for coat …

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Year 2: Logging onto Hwb

This morning we have worked hard using the iPads. We have logged onto Hwb and accessed J2e. We worked hard to paint a self portrait and to write our name …

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Year 3: Teaching Mr Steele!

On Wednesday pupils were busy doing fun games on the yard. We then came back and I showed the children my snack: a box of chocolate eclairs! (If it taste …

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Year 1: Tree Top Thursday

What a fun and muddy start we’ve had to Tree Top Thursday! We first all enjoyed some lovely ice lollies to help cool us down after a busy lunchtime before …

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Reception: Cooling down!

We had a lovely cold treat today to cool down. It’s been great to have our full class in and we all had lots of fun! Da iawn Reception! 

Year 6: Topic launch

We’ve had a great launch day today exploring our new topic ‘Ein Byd’ (our world). The day started with the class spotting a couple of gift-wrapped items in the classroom …

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Reception: First Day take 2!

We’ve had another great day settling in and playing with our friends! Mrs. Phoenix is very proud of you all.  We can’t wait to see you all again tomorrow!  St. …

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Year 4: Dance

This morning we enjoyed learning some Bollywood dance moves. #HealthyConfidentIndividuals #EthicalInformedCitizens 

News: Breakfast Club

As you are aware, our breakfast club is run by Wrexham County Borough Council and you may have seen their social media post with regard to a slight price increase. …

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Year 5: Launch

We have had a really good first day back. This afternoon, we launched our topic ‘To infinity and Beyond’. We have met our Mars Rover who will be setting us …

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Year 1: A fab first day!

What a brilliant first day we’ve had in Year 1! The children have had a great day learning some of the new routines, exploring their new classroom and enjoying all …

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Year 2: Happy first day back!

We have been so proud of Year 2 today! They have been so well behaved and settled quickly into our new Year 2 routines, enjoying exploring our new classroom. We …

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Year 4: Topic Launch

Today we launched our new topic! When we came back in after lunch we found that someone had drawn all over the doors and furniture with red pen. Then we …

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