Reception: First Day!

Our first groups of children have had a fantastic start to the year in Reception class staying for the whole day.  They have been enjoying catching up with their friends, …

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News: After School Clubs This Year

Dear Parents Welcome back to the new school year.  We would just like to update you with our plans for after school clubs this year. We will be running a …

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News: Home-time Reminder

Dear Parents Just a reminder about picking up children at home-time Reception are dismissed at 3pm from their outside door – please wait near the snakes and ladders on the …

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Year 6: Welcome back!

Hello Year 6! I hope you’ve all had a well deserved break this summer. We are so very excited to welcome you back tomorrow, and I am looking forward to hearing all about …

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Year 1: Welcome back!!

Welcome back Year 1!!! We hope you’ve had a brilliant summer and are now ready to start school tomorrow morning. We are really looking forward to seeing you all and …

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Year 2: Welcome Back

Hello we hope you have all had a good rest over the summer holidays. We are excited to see you again and show you your new classroom! We hope you are …

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Year 3: WELCOME!!

Welcome everybody to Year 3. We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow! Tomorrow you will all have chance (if you wish) to talk about what you did over the …

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Reception: Happy New Term!

Welcome back everyone!  We have been busy getting the classroom ready for you with lots of nice areas to play in! It’s going to be lots of fun!  We are …

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Year 5: Welcome back

I hope that you have all had a good summer holiday break.  I am looking foward to seeing everyone tomorrow and hearing all your news. See you in the morning. …

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Year 4: welcome back

Hello Blwyddyn 4, We hope that you have had a lovely summer break and we can’t wait to welcome you back into school tomorrow. When you arrive please look for …

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Year 5: End of term

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all this year. You have all worked so hard and made such good progress. It is lovely to see how you …

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Year 1: Happy Summer Holidays!!

The last week has come and gone here in Year 1. Thank you all so much for this year, the children have been absolutely brilliant! I am so so proud …

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Year 2: Our last week together

The children have been incredible this week! They have continued to work hard and be the best they can be. We have had lots of fun exploring our Y2 areas for …

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Reception: Happy Summer Holidays!

Well, the last day is here and what a blast we’ve had this year in Reception Class. 🤩 🤩🤩🤩 We couldn’t be prouder of how much you all shine and …

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Year 3: Thank you and Goodbye

Thanks for a great year Y3 and have a lovely Summer. We’ve really enjoyed teaching you.  Mr Steele and Mrs Leighton.

Year 4: Diolch!

Blwyddyn 4 you have been fantastic! We are so very proud of each and every one of you and it has been a pleasure to teach you all for the …

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Nursery: final week

We have been very excited in Nursery with it being our last week before the summer holidays.  We had party food in Welly Wednesday which was lots of fun and …

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Year 6: Our Leavers

Year 6 shone like stars in our Leaver’s Service today. We are so proud of you all. Diolch once again to all family and friends that came to share in …

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