Nursery: weekly update

A huge well done to all of Nursery for an amazing assembly this morning….you were all superstars🤩 and we are all so proud of you. Your singing and dancing was fantastic! …

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News: FOSM Summer Disco

Just a reminder about the disco tonight.  Look out for a text message later with information regarding collection of children after the disco. Summer-Ball-poster.pdf

Year 3: Ruabon Sculptures

Year 3 have been busy finishing off their Ruabon Sculptures. Everybody then evaluated their sculptures and many have gone one step further by using this to improve them further (E.g. …

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Year 3: Doubling and Halving

Year 3 done a FANTASTIC job at learning how to double/ half two-digit  numbers. Over the past two lessons we’ve done lots of whiteboard work and it’s clearly paid off. …

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News: Wellies in the Woods!

We’ve had a great first session today with parents joining some of our Foundation Stage children, in our garden, for our ‘Wellies in the Woods’ session, run by Groundworks.  We …

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Year 4: topic launch

For our final topic launch of Year 4 we spent the morning at the beach!!! The pupils learned that their topic is Sensational Summer and that this half term they …

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Year 5: Heartstart

Before half term, we had an afternoon doing Heart Start, with a focus on choking and symptoms of a heart attack. Mrs McCaffrey was very impressed with our knowledge. #healthy …

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Foundation Phase: Wellies in the Woods

If your child is taking part in tomorrow’s Wellies in the Woods activity, please have them come dressed in their normal school uniform and bring their wellies to change into. …

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Nursery: weekly update

We had a wonderful trip to Greenacres Animal farm on Tuesday. We had so much fun on the tractor ride🚜, especially when the farmer fed the animals and they came …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

Well done, Year 1! We have made it through to half term. You have all been working so hard and have done amazingly well. The end of this week brings …

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Year 3: Weekly Roundup

It’s been a great  week. Pupils have been painting their Ruabon pictures in the style of Welsh artist Louise Jones and making their Ruabon sculptures! They all seem to have …

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Year 6: Half term!

We’ve had an amazing end to the week by finally receiving their marble jar reward. We ended the half term in style by hosting our own cinema/pyjama party. Year 6 …

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Year 5: Week beginning 3 June

We hope that everyone has a lovely half term break – let’s hope that we have some sunshine!  Everyone has worked so hard this half term. We have enjoyed launching …

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Reception: Happy half term!

Well done for making it to half term everyone! It’s been a busy term with our class assembly and school trip, and we are now all ready for a hard …

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Year 4: Weekly roundup

Blwyddyn 4 have a had a lovely week finishing off our Amazing Animals topic. They have learned lots of new information and are keep to help with the conservation of …

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Year 5: Launch

We have launched the final topic of the year – dwr. We started the afternoon, looking  at a picture book called flood. We have then spent the afternoon making a …

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News: FOSM Summer Disco

Please see attached flyer for the Friends of St Mary’s Disco on 6th June. Summer-Ball-poster.pdf