News: Sports Day

The weather forecast for Sports Day tomorrow is not looking good. I have checked a number of different sources and they all say heavy rain starting this evening and going …

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Year 5: Talking Textiles

Our final work.  They look fabulous! #enterprising and creative contributors 

Year 5: Talking Textiles 1

We worked hard in groups to make our scene of Perseus. #enterprising and creative contributors 

Year 3: Music Session

Yesterday pupils had a brilliant session with Cana from Wrexham Music Co-operative, writing and performing a song that the class called ‘Beautiful World’. There is also a video which I …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Next week is our final week of studying the local area. Pupils will, for the first time, write their own non-chronological reports. This is a skill they have been developing …

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Year 3: Fresh Air Friday

Once again, pupils loved Fresh Air Friday! While some pupils were making sculptures using the sticks, wool, etc, others were making a poster to persuade the bugs in Ruabon to …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

Happy Friday everyone! ☀️☀️☀️ We’ve had a lovely week thinking about seeds and plants. We created some beautiful art work in the style of Van Gogh and have learnt about …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

What a wonderful way to end our week! A massive well done to all our amazing Year 1 children. They did so well remembering their lines, singing along to the …

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Year 5: Week beginning 20 May

Pnawn da,  We have worked very hard measuring the radius and circumference of circles this week.  Next week, we will be ordering decimals on a number line and rounding.  We …

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Year 2 Weekly round up

Please take a look at ‘Seesaw’ to see a few of the things that Year 2 have been learning about this week.  Hopefully the sun will be out and everyone …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

We’ve had another lovely week in year 6. We started the week by revealing the new parking bollards with PC Sarah, where a small group went to try speed gunning. …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Next week we are looking forward to Sports day take 2 on Wednesday afternoon.  We will be continuing with our work on fractions in maths and will have a go …

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Year 4: Marble Jar Reward

Year 4 had a fantastic time at the park this morning for their marble near treat. When we came back they all cooled off with an ice pop. 

Nursery: weekly round up

Da iawn Nursery for another great week! We are busy practicing for our class assembly and have loved being creative making amazing craft for a special date in June! We …

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Year 4: Marble Jar Reward

The weather tomorrow is looking lovely so we plan to go ahead with our surprise trip over the park as the children’s reward for filling their marble jar.  Please make …

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News: New Parking Bollards

You may have noticed our lovely new parking bollards on the road outside school.  A big thank you to our PCSO Sarah Clark-Lewis for organising this.  Also another big thank …

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