In class we have multiple jumpers/ cardigans without a name on. Please can you check if your pupils’ jumper/ cardigan has a name on and, if it hasn’t, write it …

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Year 3: Library Visits (INFO)

Good morning all! Yesterday pupils were given a letter to take home about going to the library. To clarify, pupils will go on an initial visit on Wed 22nd May and …

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Foundation Phase: The Daily Mile

After the children enjoyed our recent ‘Daily Mile’ sessions with Liam from Real PE, we will be continuing this activity each Tuesday morning.  We will be starting this from tomorrow …

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Year 3: Next Week Summary

Year 3 have had a lovely day, practising their directions in maths this morning and this afternoon having Fresh Air Friday/ topic time. Next Week Summary: literacy –  we will …

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Year 3: Fresh Air Friday!

Year 3 enjoyed their first Fresh Air Friday! While some were busy refilling the bug hotel (thank you to everyone who provided materials for pupils!), others were busy thinking of …

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Year 3: Tricky Spellings

Hi, With some pupils saying that they found spellings tricky, I recently did a spelling assessment with the class. Each child has taken home a list of the spellings they …

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Year 1: Weekly round up

The end of another busy week here in Year 1. This week we have been busy creating our very own dinosaur story! We first came up with our own dino …

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Year 6: Weekly round up

Another busy but wonderful week in year 6. Our literacy focus was writing diary entries inspired by our new book ‘Letters from the lighthouse’. We used tea bags to stain …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have worked extremely hard this week and have earned their final marble in their jar. We will be keeping a close eye on the weather over the next …

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Year 5: Week beginning 7 May

We have been very impressed with everyone’s presentations about their heroes.  They spoke clearly and with confidence in front of the class.  Our Maths focus next week is to find …

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Year 2 Weekly Round Up

Please see ‘Seesaw’ to look at some of the things Year 2 have been up to this week.  Have a great Bank holiday weekend Mrs Kelly and all the staff …

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Reception: Weekly Round up!

It’s been lovely to have some warmer weather and sunshine this week. We’ve made the most of with lots of outdoor activities including running the daily mile and planting sunflower …

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Nursery: weekly overview

We have had yet another busy week in Nursery. The sunshine seems to have finally arrived and we have loved being outside in the fresh air with our friends. We …

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Year 3: Missions – 1st, 2nd May

Year 3 have been enjoying doing missions linked to our local area topic! Take a look at the pictures. Some children have been experimenting with using different colouring materials (paints/ …

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Year 5: Freeze frames

Yesterday, we all chose a scene from Perseus and created a freeze frame.  This is our starting point for our art task, creating a textile collage of the key parts …

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Year 3: Practical Maths

Pupils were developing their knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10 by playing games. They worked with a partner and needed to colour in the square if they had the …

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