Week beginning 10 June

We have all worked hard this week on our percentages and fractions.  We have also been also working well in pairs writing a story for Flood.  We will record this as a voice over for the story next week.  In Maths, we will continue with percentages and fractions for a few more days before moving on to different strategies for addition and subtraction.  As part of our topic work, we will be researching real flood events, writing a newspaper front page and discussing climate change linked to flooding and producing leaflets.  
Homework this week is to take a photo of dwr (water).  It can either be put  on the stream on Google Classroom or email to school.  I am looking forward to seeing these.  Homework and reading books are due in on Tuesday as usual.  P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham