Year 1: Pirate Ships

Over the next couple of weeks, the children will be designing and making their very own pirate ships! We will start by learning about the various parts of a ship, followed by investigating which materials sink and which materials float. We will then design our ships and finish by actually building and testing them.
I would like to ask parents for your help in collecting items that your child or others in the class can use to make our ships. While we have many supplies available at school, we especially need plastic food containers, such as tubs or takeaway containers, to use as the main structure of the ships. Any materials you are able to provide will be greatly appreciated.
The construction of the ships will not take place for a couple of weeks, so please don’t feel obligated to make any special purchases or rush out to get things. Please just send in anything you collect as you get them, 
I will keep them safe and ready to use. I will also let everyone know the week prior to the building task if you’d prefer to send things in all together.
Many thanks for your support
Mr Hall