Year 1: Weekly round up

Well done, Year 1! We have made it through to half term. You have all been working so hard and have done amazingly well. The end of this week brings an end to our Dinosaur topic. When we return, we will be moving on to our final topic of Pirates and the seaside! I know you’re all going to really enjoy it!
This week in Year 1, we have been busy finishing off all our Dinosaur stories. The children did so well with these, especially as there was a fair amount of writing to do. We also finished off our Dino animations on the iPads. These looked great, and it was really fun making our dinosaurs walk, fly, or swim across the screen. I will post the remaining ones on Seesaw for you to see.
In Maths, we have started to look at fractions and thought about them in terms of sharing slices of cake. We looked at both halves and quarters and learned that each section has to be an equal size. No one wants a smaller half of a cake! We also looked at how we write these using numbers.
Later in the week, we made some paper plate dinosaurs to complete our topic. The children loved getting the paints out to make these. They will be coming home today along with any other work we made during this topic.
Have a restful half term, Year 1. Hopefully, the rain will stay away and we can get out and enjoy the sunshine! See you all in a week’s time.
Mr. Hall and Ms. Scott