Year 5: Week beginning 3 June


We hope that everyone has a lovely half term break – let’s hope that we have some sunshine!  Everyone has worked so hard this half term. We have enjoyed launching our topic this week and worked well in groups on our water barriers.  I was very impressed with our pupil voice ideas and am looking foward to adding these into my planning and for our challenges.   After half term, our maths focus wil be fractions, decimals and percentages and how they link together.  We will be writing a story to accompany our picture book ‘Flood’ and record a voice over.  For Bible story week, we will be reading and discussing Jesus walking on the water and calming the storm, considering how we can trust in God.  I have only sent reading books home, which are due in on Tuesday as usual.  P.E. Will be on Wednesday and Thursday.  Have a good week.

Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham